Day #31 - Balancing it All
Well readers, today marks the last day for the 31 day challenge. I feel my home has come far in the process, and I am still working on looking at the home as a place where people live; rather than looking at what needs to be done.
Sarah Mae is currently working on a PDF document that will continue daily challenges, and I am looking forward to receiving a copy. I may, or may not, continue the daily blogs. However, I will definitely update you all when I do a Martha/Mary challenge.
I have a few odds and ends that will still need to be done: replacing wine rack with a dry sink (hand-me-down from in-laws), dry-walling and painting wall in basement bathroom/utility area, and fixing flooring in bathroom/utility area. However, I feel like I have a really good grasp on what needs to be done...but have realistic expectations of what WILL get done.
I will definitely continue to take before and after pics as projects above are in process.
Since starting this journey 31 days ago, I have become more acquainted with the Christian woman online community. Last week one of the Christian bloggers removed herself from a blog competition because there were Pagan blogs in the running. I suppose to this Christian woman, Pagans are not a faith-based group of people; however, Muslim, Jews and other Biblical faiths were.
What I think disturbed me the most, was how these blogger women were quick to slander their fellow sisters and how hate, fueled by hurt, propagated comment after comment on the Christian woman's Facebook page.
I might be a Christian, but I do not believe I have the right to purposely hurt or judge another person's heart. I believe that there are many faiths in this world, and Paganism is one of them. I at least know them to be worshipers of the Earth and nature, rather than Satan and evil spirits or demons. They do not believe Jesus is the way; but neither do many other religions in this world.
I do think having a narrow mind prevents us from sharing love to others; and I really believe if we can give anything we should give love. I hope that I convey my desire to love others, rather than propagate hate. Please feel free to comment if you disagree with a post. However, rather than give scriptures to read or interpretations ad-nauseum, lets kill each other with kindness.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Day #30 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #30 - Contentment in the Season of Your Life
con·tent·ment [kuh
1.the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind.
2.Archaic . the act of making contentedly satisfied.
Contentment to me means to be emotionally satisfied with things how they are. I have made great progress this month to be content with my home. I must admit there are other parts of my life I do not feel contentment, nor do I think I will anytime soon. Sarah Mae writes, "Enjoy the seasons God allows you to move through; pray for a contented spirit." I will definitely pray for a contented spirit, as I definitely need that in my current situation.
Today's Mary challenge asks us to write down 10 things we are thankful for. Since today is Memorial Day, I think meditating on what I am truly thankful for is apropos. I could always list the standard answers: family, friends, health. But I have decided to really do some self-reflection on deeper emotions; what I am TRULY thankful for.
The following is a song I sang at church a few months ago called, Thank You. It touched me, and it really made me wonder if others would ever think the same of me when I have gone.
So here is my list of ten things I'm thankful for, in no particular order.
1. Good cup of coffee/or a no-whip,triple,venti, soy latte
2. A husband that provides financially for our family, so that I can stay home and be the mom I want to be for our ladybugs.
3. Being blessed with very two beautiful and overall healthy girls: my ladybugs. They are bright, kind, and eager to learn. I have also learned a lot from being their Mommy.
4. The sunshine, the rain, the moon, and all other creations that have been here since the beginning and will be here long after I go.
5. Living in a country that provides the freedoms to choose my own faith, to write my opinions down in a blog, and to raise our girls with the morals and convictions we wish.
6. My music talents; I feel closest to my creator when I sing, play or listen to music. There is an overwhelming sense of peace and power when I am experiencing music.
7. Warm showers, pedicures, and restful nights. My heaven will have warm showers, pedicures and big beds with lots of pillows.
8. The arts: music, visual, creative movement, literature... I love that humans have the ability to express themselves through creative outlets. I love the written word. I appreciate the talents of others. And I especially love the feeling of empathy; completely "getting" what the artist had in mind.
9. Friends. Friends for a reason, friends for a season and friends for a lifetime. Through others we learn, grow, and become closer to our Creator. Not one type of friendship is better than another. And I truly believe you have to be a friend to have a friend. It is all about connections between each other that we truly learn about ourselves.
10. Love. Whether noun or verb, LOVE just simply is. Love is at the center of our creation, and love is what we are supposed to feel and do to all others. Loving our neighbor does not mean the neighbors we like. Rather we must love ALL God's creations, ESPECIALLY those that are not as loveable.
God bless you all on this holiday,
con·tent·ment [kuh
1.the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind.
2.Archaic . the act of making contentedly satisfied.
Contentment to me means to be emotionally satisfied with things how they are. I have made great progress this month to be content with my home. I must admit there are other parts of my life I do not feel contentment, nor do I think I will anytime soon. Sarah Mae writes, "Enjoy the seasons God allows you to move through; pray for a contented spirit." I will definitely pray for a contented spirit, as I definitely need that in my current situation.
Today's Mary challenge asks us to write down 10 things we are thankful for. Since today is Memorial Day, I think meditating on what I am truly thankful for is apropos. I could always list the standard answers: family, friends, health. But I have decided to really do some self-reflection on deeper emotions; what I am TRULY thankful for.
The following is a song I sang at church a few months ago called, Thank You. It touched me, and it really made me wonder if others would ever think the same of me when I have gone.
So here is my list of ten things I'm thankful for, in no particular order.
1. Good cup of coffee/or a no-whip,triple,venti, soy latte
2. A husband that provides financially for our family, so that I can stay home and be the mom I want to be for our ladybugs.
3. Being blessed with very two beautiful and overall healthy girls: my ladybugs. They are bright, kind, and eager to learn. I have also learned a lot from being their Mommy.
4. The sunshine, the rain, the moon, and all other creations that have been here since the beginning and will be here long after I go.
5. Living in a country that provides the freedoms to choose my own faith, to write my opinions down in a blog, and to raise our girls with the morals and convictions we wish.
6. My music talents; I feel closest to my creator when I sing, play or listen to music. There is an overwhelming sense of peace and power when I am experiencing music.
7. Warm showers, pedicures, and restful nights. My heaven will have warm showers, pedicures and big beds with lots of pillows.
8. The arts: music, visual, creative movement, literature... I love that humans have the ability to express themselves through creative outlets. I love the written word. I appreciate the talents of others. And I especially love the feeling of empathy; completely "getting" what the artist had in mind.
9. Friends. Friends for a reason, friends for a season and friends for a lifetime. Through others we learn, grow, and become closer to our Creator. Not one type of friendship is better than another. And I truly believe you have to be a friend to have a friend. It is all about connections between each other that we truly learn about ourselves.
10. Love. Whether noun or verb, LOVE just simply is. Love is at the center of our creation, and love is what we are supposed to feel and do to all others. Loving our neighbor does not mean the neighbors we like. Rather we must love ALL God's creations, ESPECIALLY those that are not as loveable.
God bless you all on this holiday,
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day #29 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #29 - To Hire Help or Not to Hire Help
I am very blessed to live considerably close in proximity to my parents. They are able to take the children if I need to go to the doctors, or when I'm in a jam. But I also don't guilt myself over hiring someone if need be. In fact, last Thursday I hired a sitter for two hours to I could spend some time alone with myself. The me time I had was very valuable to my character.
I will admit that these medical bills are overwhelming financially on our family. We are not in dyer straights, but honestly I would love to feel God's presence when it comes to how we are going to pull ourselves out from this dark place. I desperately wanted to go on a vacation this weekend - it was booked and such. However, we just couldn't do it, and I didn't want to increase the debt load for a vacation destination.
I am currently praying to see a light at the end of this tunnel. I know it is there...and I will listen for the answer, as I know God is still speaking.
I am very blessed to live considerably close in proximity to my parents. They are able to take the children if I need to go to the doctors, or when I'm in a jam. But I also don't guilt myself over hiring someone if need be. In fact, last Thursday I hired a sitter for two hours to I could spend some time alone with myself. The me time I had was very valuable to my character.
I will admit that these medical bills are overwhelming financially on our family. We are not in dyer straights, but honestly I would love to feel God's presence when it comes to how we are going to pull ourselves out from this dark place. I desperately wanted to go on a vacation this weekend - it was booked and such. However, we just couldn't do it, and I didn't want to increase the debt load for a vacation destination.
I am currently praying to see a light at the end of this tunnel. I know it is there...and I will listen for the answer, as I know God is still speaking.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Day #28 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #28 - Who Are you Trying to Please
Yesterday began as a huge success.
The carpets were washed beautifully, and Jim had the day off from work. We spent time just hanging. And then my parents took the ladybugs for dinner and a sleepover, and Jim and I had eaten some WONDERFUL Indian food.
Then the bottom dropped out.
When we got home I decided to switch the loads of laundry (a task that is never done, we all know). As I pulled the laundry from the dryer, a lipbalm fell out. It was Jim's. Earlier in the afternoon he had asked to help with laundry. Since he very rarely EVER asks to help, I jumped at the opportunity. Needless to say, the entire load was newer shirts I had bought with money I saved. They had oily spots dried all over them.
Upon further investigation, two lipbalms (yes, two) were in one pair of his jeans. The rest of the load were three pair of pajamas (mine), 2 tanks (mine), 3 shirts (mine), and a pair of jeans (mine). I began crying hysterically. The last 3 times Jim and I had a night alone, it was a debacle. Most recently I ended up at Urgent Care the morning after, because my eyes swelled up and were red. I had fallen asleep at 10 the evening before. Sigh.
After Jim went to find replacement shirts (he felt horrible), we ended up watching a 2-hour documentary on HBO called, "How to Die in Oregon." Yes, a very depressing way to spend what was supposed to be a romantic evening. but I could not seem to regain that romantic place I was in earlier. I know that Jim did not mean to purposely stain my clothing. However, I just felt his complacency ultimately contributed to the outcome.
Why so emotional you asked?
Why was I upset? Am I PMSing? First of all, I have very few clothing items that fit (I refuse to buy more clothing since I'm on Weight Watchers right now). Secondly, the items affected by the oily balm were all mine (besides the pair of jeans that were his and unaffected). And, the biggest blow to the emotions, I felt like he just went through the motions of "doing the laundry" and really didn't care how the laundry was completed.
What now?
The home is my domain: the place I take care of. I perceived his lack of task focus to suggest he didn't care about me. Logically I know this isn't true, because I must believe him and trust him when he said he was sorry about what happened. I must forgive his flippant actions. I am still working on feeling appreciated and loved today. Of course I have the ladybugs back home to kiss and hug me. But I WAS trying to please Jim, and I ended up letting myself down.
A Facebook friend made the following comment on my profile: " Reach for the stars, and even if you fall short, you'll land on the moon." I responded, "Look, that is a great quote and all. But this has been a really REALLY hard year for my family. I did get caught on the moon, it was a crescent. It caught my underwear and got a wedgie in the process. Still fell down to Earth in the end."
Here's hoping the year pulls an upward turn.
Yesterday began as a huge success.
The carpets were washed beautifully, and Jim had the day off from work. We spent time just hanging. And then my parents took the ladybugs for dinner and a sleepover, and Jim and I had eaten some WONDERFUL Indian food.
Then the bottom dropped out.
When we got home I decided to switch the loads of laundry (a task that is never done, we all know). As I pulled the laundry from the dryer, a lipbalm fell out. It was Jim's. Earlier in the afternoon he had asked to help with laundry. Since he very rarely EVER asks to help, I jumped at the opportunity. Needless to say, the entire load was newer shirts I had bought with money I saved. They had oily spots dried all over them.
Upon further investigation, two lipbalms (yes, two) were in one pair of his jeans. The rest of the load were three pair of pajamas (mine), 2 tanks (mine), 3 shirts (mine), and a pair of jeans (mine). I began crying hysterically. The last 3 times Jim and I had a night alone, it was a debacle. Most recently I ended up at Urgent Care the morning after, because my eyes swelled up and were red. I had fallen asleep at 10 the evening before. Sigh.
After Jim went to find replacement shirts (he felt horrible), we ended up watching a 2-hour documentary on HBO called, "How to Die in Oregon." Yes, a very depressing way to spend what was supposed to be a romantic evening. but I could not seem to regain that romantic place I was in earlier. I know that Jim did not mean to purposely stain my clothing. However, I just felt his complacency ultimately contributed to the outcome.
Why so emotional you asked?
Why was I upset? Am I PMSing? First of all, I have very few clothing items that fit (I refuse to buy more clothing since I'm on Weight Watchers right now). Secondly, the items affected by the oily balm were all mine (besides the pair of jeans that were his and unaffected). And, the biggest blow to the emotions, I felt like he just went through the motions of "doing the laundry" and really didn't care how the laundry was completed.
What now?
The home is my domain: the place I take care of. I perceived his lack of task focus to suggest he didn't care about me. Logically I know this isn't true, because I must believe him and trust him when he said he was sorry about what happened. I must forgive his flippant actions. I am still working on feeling appreciated and loved today. Of course I have the ladybugs back home to kiss and hug me. But I WAS trying to please Jim, and I ended up letting myself down.
A Facebook friend made the following comment on my profile: " Reach for the stars, and even if you fall short, you'll land on the moon." I responded, "Look, that is a great quote and all. But this has been a really REALLY hard year for my family. I did get caught on the moon, it was a crescent. It caught my underwear and got a wedgie in the process. Still fell down to Earth in the end."
Here's hoping the year pulls an upward turn.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Friday, May 27, 2011
Day #26 and #27 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #26 - Laundry
Day #27 - Becoming Friends with Goodwill
Ah, laundry...the one thing that is never done. I think laundry and dishes are curses, because the minute you think you've completed the task - another item goes in the sink or laundry basket. Sarah Me calls laundry her nemesis, and I think most women would agree. Personally dishes take first place in the nemesis category for me. With two kids and that seem to eat and drink all the time, there are a TON of dishes to do.
The topic of laundry made me think of a funny story.
My sister once dated this guy that would hardly ever do his laundry. He would simply purchase new clothes when he had nothing more to wear. I am not joking. He had a very good job, lived with his mom (free rent), and pretty much had nothing to use his money for (except new clothes). One day my mom told him that it would be so much simpler (and cheaper) to wash his clothing, he could even use our family's washer and dryer, AND she would help him complete the task (my mother - always the gullible gal). After a whole day of cleaning, his wardrobe was ready to be taken home and hung and/or put away in drawers. However, a month later I noticed he was wearing new clothes again. He said, "Yeah, all my other ones are dirty, so I just went over to Hudsons and got a few things." Some people never change.
I wash items on a schedule, most of the time. Thursdays: girls; Friday: Jim and mine; Sunday: Towels and sheets, etc. However, this can get off course quite easily. I don't stress about laundry - I just don't like it. However, I find that working from home makes laundry a bit easier to complete.
I have been "friends" with donations centers since I was a little girl. My mom donated to Purple Heart a couple times a year when we were young, so I tend to still donate there. I also have donated to the Salvation Army many times over the last 10 years. Since becoming a member at our church, I also donate there in the spring for their annual rummage sale. I do not have a problem purging - however, it amazes me how much stuff we accumulate that needs to be purged. what is hard is purging items that are from my ladybugs.
They were really super cute, earlier this year, when we went through their stuffed stuff. Zoe was so awesome about determining which things were important to her. Evie wanted to gleam from Zoe's purged items. It was truly hilarious. Zoe would say, "This can be donated," and place it in the garbage bad. Then Evie would take it out and say, "Thank you, Zoe! I love it!" However, in the end, the ladybugs donated a huge garbage bag full of stuffed toys.
I have to be sneaky when it comes to clothing and/or little trinkets from Wendy's kids meals or from birthday parties. You know the toys I'm speaking of: plastic, small, goofy, easily sucked up by a vacuum, and/or stepped on by Daddy. Yeah, those toys just got a bit of a purge from me - a few days ago - without the knowledge of the ladybugs.
Today is carpet cleaning day! Hooray! Today marks the last day for my Martha challenges. I cannot believe how far my home (and heart) have come in such a short time. I will post a few "home sweet home" pics later today or this weekend.
Day #27 - Becoming Friends with Goodwill
Ah, laundry...the one thing that is never done. I think laundry and dishes are curses, because the minute you think you've completed the task - another item goes in the sink or laundry basket. Sarah Me calls laundry her nemesis, and I think most women would agree. Personally dishes take first place in the nemesis category for me. With two kids and that seem to eat and drink all the time, there are a TON of dishes to do.
The topic of laundry made me think of a funny story.
My sister once dated this guy that would hardly ever do his laundry. He would simply purchase new clothes when he had nothing more to wear. I am not joking. He had a very good job, lived with his mom (free rent), and pretty much had nothing to use his money for (except new clothes). One day my mom told him that it would be so much simpler (and cheaper) to wash his clothing, he could even use our family's washer and dryer, AND she would help him complete the task (my mother - always the gullible gal). After a whole day of cleaning, his wardrobe was ready to be taken home and hung and/or put away in drawers. However, a month later I noticed he was wearing new clothes again. He said, "Yeah, all my other ones are dirty, so I just went over to Hudsons and got a few things." Some people never change.
I wash items on a schedule, most of the time. Thursdays: girls; Friday: Jim and mine; Sunday: Towels and sheets, etc. However, this can get off course quite easily. I don't stress about laundry - I just don't like it. However, I find that working from home makes laundry a bit easier to complete.
I have been "friends" with donations centers since I was a little girl. My mom donated to Purple Heart a couple times a year when we were young, so I tend to still donate there. I also have donated to the Salvation Army many times over the last 10 years. Since becoming a member at our church, I also donate there in the spring for their annual rummage sale. I do not have a problem purging - however, it amazes me how much stuff we accumulate that needs to be purged. what is hard is purging items that are from my ladybugs.
They were really super cute, earlier this year, when we went through their stuffed stuff. Zoe was so awesome about determining which things were important to her. Evie wanted to gleam from Zoe's purged items. It was truly hilarious. Zoe would say, "This can be donated," and place it in the garbage bad. Then Evie would take it out and say, "Thank you, Zoe! I love it!" However, in the end, the ladybugs donated a huge garbage bag full of stuffed toys.
I have to be sneaky when it comes to clothing and/or little trinkets from Wendy's kids meals or from birthday parties. You know the toys I'm speaking of: plastic, small, goofy, easily sucked up by a vacuum, and/or stepped on by Daddy. Yeah, those toys just got a bit of a purge from me - a few days ago - without the knowledge of the ladybugs.
Today is carpet cleaning day! Hooray! Today marks the last day for my Martha challenges. I cannot believe how far my home (and heart) have come in such a short time. I will post a few "home sweet home" pics later today or this weekend.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Discovering the Civil War
A week ago, my father and I went to a preview for the Henry Ford Museum's Discovering the Civil War.
It was probably the most amazing exhibit I had every experienced. I love the War Between the States, and find myself drawn to movies, books, and memorabilia regarding it.
I cannot in a blog truly give the exhibit its due. I will simply post a couple pictures, because as the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words."
It was probably the most amazing exhibit I had every experienced. I love the War Between the States, and find myself drawn to movies, books, and memorabilia regarding it.
I cannot in a blog truly give the exhibit its due. I will simply post a couple pictures, because as the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words."
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A group of VERY important people, including the president of THE HENRY FORD, Bill Ford, and the president of the NATIONAL ARCHIVES. |
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My father is the man on the left |
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day #25 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #25 - The High Low Cycle
It is a beautiful, rainy day here. You probably think I'm crazy, but I absolutely LOVE rainy days. They wash the grime away, and leave the grass, flowers and plants looking so very healthy. Of course, we have had a lot of rain here in Michigan lately, so we could probably stand to not have it rain today. Oh well.
Today I had planned to run a few errands while the ladybugs were at school, but I am currently sitting at my dining room table looking out the window at a downpour. I suppose I should take this quiet time to put my thoughts together and just listen.
I officially finished the major projects in the basement earlier this morning. I still have to vacuum the stairs and take 5 bags out to the car for the church rummage sale. But I am really proud that I was able to accomplish the much needed basement fix-ups. I didn't realize how neglected some of them were until I started to do them. I guess that is kind of a metaphor for anything in this world. Sometimes we don't know how neglected our (enter word here) is until we decide to work at it.
My "enter word here" has to be my marriage. As posted in a previous blog, my marriage hit a very low point last fall. I don't think Jim nor I realized how neglected we had become in our relationship. Of course gifts were given, and we were still saying "I love you." But we were forgetting to really nurture our marriage. How easy it is to continue down the path of neglect - dust and hairballs conveniently cover the problem(s). But the minute you dust off the shelf: BANG! there is is staring at you (or fragrantly wafting at you). And I suppose I could have ran the other direction. But I did not choose that path (which in most cases is the easiest path).
Yesterday, our Milo-cat got dental work done. He had three infected teeth that all were extracted. I joked that Zoe, Mia and Misty are the only members of our home that did not undergo surgery this year. Jim corrected me, and said that technically his took place last year (okay end of December, but sheesh I paid the bills for it this year). Milo seems to be content today, of course he is on an oral opiate. But at least he isn't lashing out at the other members of the household (yet). I suppose you can say I am skeptical, but hopeful in the same thought.
It is a beautiful, rainy day here. You probably think I'm crazy, but I absolutely LOVE rainy days. They wash the grime away, and leave the grass, flowers and plants looking so very healthy. Of course, we have had a lot of rain here in Michigan lately, so we could probably stand to not have it rain today. Oh well.
Today I had planned to run a few errands while the ladybugs were at school, but I am currently sitting at my dining room table looking out the window at a downpour. I suppose I should take this quiet time to put my thoughts together and just listen.
I officially finished the major projects in the basement earlier this morning. I still have to vacuum the stairs and take 5 bags out to the car for the church rummage sale. But I am really proud that I was able to accomplish the much needed basement fix-ups. I didn't realize how neglected some of them were until I started to do them. I guess that is kind of a metaphor for anything in this world. Sometimes we don't know how neglected our (enter word here) is until we decide to work at it.
My "enter word here" has to be my marriage. As posted in a previous blog, my marriage hit a very low point last fall. I don't think Jim nor I realized how neglected we had become in our relationship. Of course gifts were given, and we were still saying "I love you." But we were forgetting to really nurture our marriage. How easy it is to continue down the path of neglect - dust and hairballs conveniently cover the problem(s). But the minute you dust off the shelf: BANG! there is is staring at you (or fragrantly wafting at you). And I suppose I could have ran the other direction. But I did not choose that path (which in most cases is the easiest path).
Yesterday, our Milo-cat got dental work done. He had three infected teeth that all were extracted. I joked that Zoe, Mia and Misty are the only members of our home that did not undergo surgery this year. Jim corrected me, and said that technically his took place last year (okay end of December, but sheesh I paid the bills for it this year). Milo seems to be content today, of course he is on an oral opiate. But at least he isn't lashing out at the other members of the household (yet). I suppose you can say I am skeptical, but hopeful in the same thought.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Piano Concert
My Grandma sent this story to me as an email today. I thought it was good enough to share with my readers, especially as a music teacher and child of God.
Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy quietly got up and eventually explored his way through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE."
When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage.
In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At that moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano and whispered in the boy's ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing." Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was mesmerized.
That's the way it is with God. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try our best, but the results aren't exactly graceful flowing music. But with the hand of the Master, our life's work truly can be beautiful. The next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing." Feel His loving arms around you. Know that His strong hands are there helping you turn your feeble attempts into true masterpieces.
Remember, God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. And He will always be there to love and guide you on to great things!
-- Author Unknown
Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy quietly got up and eventually explored his way through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE."
When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage.
In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At that moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano and whispered in the boy's ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing." Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was mesmerized.
That's the way it is with God. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try our best, but the results aren't exactly graceful flowing music. But with the hand of the Master, our life's work truly can be beautiful. The next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing." Feel His loving arms around you. Know that His strong hands are there helping you turn your feeble attempts into true masterpieces.
Remember, God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. And He will always be there to love and guide you on to great things!
-- Author Unknown
Day #23 and Day #24 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #23 - Dealing with Distractions
Day #24 - Organization
On Friday evening, my best friend came into town - this time it was from Alaska. He works for the government and travels the world. Next stop: Japan. However, he spent the day we me and the ladies yesterday. So, I was unable to update my blog readers about my 31-day challenge.
Yesterday I started working on the "living" area of our basement. Our basement is a full basement, and is different than many older homes in Michigan. Those homes have what is called, "a Michigan basement". A Michigan basement is an unfinished, dirt floor, cellar of sorts. We have a semi-finished, carpeted/tiled basement that is divided into 3 sections (due to the handiwork of my husband and father-in-law). We have a bathroom/utility room, the music studio/office area, and the living area.
The living area is a play area, and also houses our 2nd TV. We only have 2 TVs in the house, and this one is used sparingly at best. Regardless, Jim had 5 different game systems (all older than our relationship) hooked up to the TV. His hope (I assume) was to at some point play games on the TV. Of course, this does not happen. If he does play video games, he uses the TV in our living room.
Okay, so imagine a ton of cords behind the basement I will tell you my little quip.
I dropped the ladies off at school, and then proceeded to start sorting through the first two book shelves. I was removing books, organizing them by author, cleaning the shelves, and then replacing the books back on the shelf. This was going well, until I pulled the books off the second shelf (which is located on the left side of the TV). I had this horrible, maybe I should say HORRIBLE waft of cat urine hit my nose. Upon further investigation, there was urine all over the cords, cables, and game systems. At this point, I had spent 2 hours cleaning the bookshelves, so I took a break and went to lunch with Evie and my best friend, Joe.
Joe is like a brother to me, and I was so happy that he watched Evie while I cleaned each game system, the cords and the controllers. Then I placed them into a huge 41gallon storage bin we bought at Target. Did I mention how much I love Target?
Then I saturated the carpet behind the TV/TV stand with a cat odor liquid. I left it to dry over night. Then this morning I washed down more bookshelves, pushed the TV back into place, and saturated the carpet in front of the TV with an all natural cat repellent and odor remover. I realize that this won't prevent the cats from using the area again, but I'm hoping that after cleaning the carpet, and putting a fragrance and a special charcoal odor thing behind the TV will deter the kitties from using the area.
We have a lot of books, but I did manage to find 5 that I will donate, because unless I plan on rereading the book, it is silly to keep it on the shelf. I have a stack of new books from Christmas that I still have yet to I plan on only keeping those that I will read and reread again.
In the section "Organization", Sarah Mae speaks about how chaos and disorganization brings confusion, anxiety, and unsettling feelings. She writes, "Because order brings peace, calm, and contentment." I truly believe this. With my anxiety issues, I have noticed that clean, organized spaces make me breathe easier and my heart rate seems to lessen. Sometimes it is hard to explain this to my hubby, but my girls understand and humor me most of the time.
I also agree with Sarah when she says, "We've got too much stuff." We do. She also assures us that it isn't about having a space like we would see on TV shows - beautiful matching baskets, etc. It is what works for me, what works for you. We are all different. A few years ago, I had wanted to start a business called Harmonic Spaces. I would help people that needed the push to organize and declutter their spaces. The economy kept me form really moving with that idea, however, at the time I believed that there isn't one right way to organize your home. Because we must find what works for us, a personalized system that can be MAINTAINED. That is the key work: maintenance.
Everything is organized. You have purchased new baskets and coordinating bins. But then a month goes by and the baskets and bins are no longer holding the "stuff" that they did when you organized. To me this says, "NOT WORKING!"
Starting small, that's what Sarah Mae suggests. I couldn't agree more. Even I (Miss Organized) need that reassurance sometimes.
Day #24 - Organization
On Friday evening, my best friend came into town - this time it was from Alaska. He works for the government and travels the world. Next stop: Japan. However, he spent the day we me and the ladies yesterday. So, I was unable to update my blog readers about my 31-day challenge.
Yesterday I started working on the "living" area of our basement. Our basement is a full basement, and is different than many older homes in Michigan. Those homes have what is called, "a Michigan basement". A Michigan basement is an unfinished, dirt floor, cellar of sorts. We have a semi-finished, carpeted/tiled basement that is divided into 3 sections (due to the handiwork of my husband and father-in-law). We have a bathroom/utility room, the music studio/office area, and the living area.
The living area is a play area, and also houses our 2nd TV. We only have 2 TVs in the house, and this one is used sparingly at best. Regardless, Jim had 5 different game systems (all older than our relationship) hooked up to the TV. His hope (I assume) was to at some point play games on the TV. Of course, this does not happen. If he does play video games, he uses the TV in our living room.
Okay, so imagine a ton of cords behind the basement I will tell you my little quip.
I dropped the ladies off at school, and then proceeded to start sorting through the first two book shelves. I was removing books, organizing them by author, cleaning the shelves, and then replacing the books back on the shelf. This was going well, until I pulled the books off the second shelf (which is located on the left side of the TV). I had this horrible, maybe I should say HORRIBLE waft of cat urine hit my nose. Upon further investigation, there was urine all over the cords, cables, and game systems. At this point, I had spent 2 hours cleaning the bookshelves, so I took a break and went to lunch with Evie and my best friend, Joe.
Joe is like a brother to me, and I was so happy that he watched Evie while I cleaned each game system, the cords and the controllers. Then I placed them into a huge 41gallon storage bin we bought at Target. Did I mention how much I love Target?
Then I saturated the carpet behind the TV/TV stand with a cat odor liquid. I left it to dry over night. Then this morning I washed down more bookshelves, pushed the TV back into place, and saturated the carpet in front of the TV with an all natural cat repellent and odor remover. I realize that this won't prevent the cats from using the area again, but I'm hoping that after cleaning the carpet, and putting a fragrance and a special charcoal odor thing behind the TV will deter the kitties from using the area.
We have a lot of books, but I did manage to find 5 that I will donate, because unless I plan on rereading the book, it is silly to keep it on the shelf. I have a stack of new books from Christmas that I still have yet to I plan on only keeping those that I will read and reread again.
In the section "Organization", Sarah Mae speaks about how chaos and disorganization brings confusion, anxiety, and unsettling feelings. She writes, "Because order brings peace, calm, and contentment." I truly believe this. With my anxiety issues, I have noticed that clean, organized spaces make me breathe easier and my heart rate seems to lessen. Sometimes it is hard to explain this to my hubby, but my girls understand and humor me most of the time.
I also agree with Sarah when she says, "We've got too much stuff." We do. She also assures us that it isn't about having a space like we would see on TV shows - beautiful matching baskets, etc. It is what works for me, what works for you. We are all different. A few years ago, I had wanted to start a business called Harmonic Spaces. I would help people that needed the push to organize and declutter their spaces. The economy kept me form really moving with that idea, however, at the time I believed that there isn't one right way to organize your home. Because we must find what works for us, a personalized system that can be MAINTAINED. That is the key work: maintenance.
Everything is organized. You have purchased new baskets and coordinating bins. But then a month goes by and the baskets and bins are no longer holding the "stuff" that they did when you organized. To me this says, "NOT WORKING!"
Starting small, that's what Sarah Mae suggests. I couldn't agree more. Even I (Miss Organized) need that reassurance sometimes.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Collection of Pictures #3 {31 Days to Clean}
Collection of Pictures #3
Here is the cool curtain the ladies painted
The brick wall before
The brick wall after
Amazing what a coat of paint will do!
Computer cord mess
Computer cords after - thanks to hubby, Jim!
Have a blessed week!
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Day #22 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #22 - Developing a Workable Schedule
Ah, Sunday...the proverbial day of rest and relaxation. That is, of course, if you don't work on Saturdays, like me. So Sundays tend to be the "catch all" days, and I have learned to be okay with that. However, yesterday was my last Saturday teaching day until fall, and this Tuesday will be my last until June! Yes, I am very happy!
Today, the Mary challenge was about developing a schedule that works for us. Sarah Mae gave lots of suggestions and ideas on how to develop this schedule. As I mentioned yesterday, I go week to week. I fill the weekly schedule in with the "have to dos", which include my teaching, the girls specials (i.e. piano and dance), doctor's appointments, and other activities of the like. Then I decide the "wish to dos" in the blanks.
Some weeks we are swamped, others - not so much. This week is pretty typical, and it ends in a mini-vacation for us. So Friday will be the big wash carpets day with Stanley Steemer. That will end my Martha challenges, but I will continue to do my daily Mary challenges. So four weeks of spring cleaning...not too shabby! And to be honest, I am completely done with seeing grime, cat hair, raisins made from grapes that were lost, and other unmentionables.
Today I began tackling the office/music studio space in the basement. Our three cats love the basement, so it tends to be a bit more hairy than other areas. However, I was planing an hour or two. Three hours later, I ascended the stairs.
Then after dinner I once again spent another hour down there. Phew! What a productive day! I will post pictures of the last couple projects a little bit later this evening!
Ah, Sunday...the proverbial day of rest and relaxation. That is, of course, if you don't work on Saturdays, like me. So Sundays tend to be the "catch all" days, and I have learned to be okay with that. However, yesterday was my last Saturday teaching day until fall, and this Tuesday will be my last until June! Yes, I am very happy!
Today, the Mary challenge was about developing a schedule that works for us. Sarah Mae gave lots of suggestions and ideas on how to develop this schedule. As I mentioned yesterday, I go week to week. I fill the weekly schedule in with the "have to dos", which include my teaching, the girls specials (i.e. piano and dance), doctor's appointments, and other activities of the like. Then I decide the "wish to dos" in the blanks.
Some weeks we are swamped, others - not so much. This week is pretty typical, and it ends in a mini-vacation for us. So Friday will be the big wash carpets day with Stanley Steemer. That will end my Martha challenges, but I will continue to do my daily Mary challenges. So four weeks of spring cleaning...not too shabby! And to be honest, I am completely done with seeing grime, cat hair, raisins made from grapes that were lost, and other unmentionables.
Today I began tackling the office/music studio space in the basement. Our three cats love the basement, so it tends to be a bit more hairy than other areas. However, I was planing an hour or two. Three hours later, I ascended the stairs.
Then after dinner I once again spent another hour down there. Phew! What a productive day! I will post pictures of the last couple projects a little bit later this evening!
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day #21 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #21 - The Importance of a Plan
So judgment day did not occur...guess I have to continue with the 31 day challenge. Tee Hee!
Today I am tackling something that has not been done for over 3 years. What is this project? Painting a portion of the basement wall. Doesn't sound super difficult, right? I just think time and desire to accomplish the task are the real issues here.
In March of 2008, we had a new furnace installed in our basement. Our old one was from the 50s or 60s, or sometime back them. One of the storage areas (the place the houses our pantry) was a coal shoot - yeah, we have an OLD home. The old furnace was a monster, and took up a huge part of the basement. When the new furnace was installed a portion of the wall (original chimney brick) showed. This wall happens to be in the office/music studio portion of the basement. This is an area that I spend a good amount of time in each week.
Jim promised he would fix this wall, and I figured I could wait a month or two - try 38 months later. I am currently in the process of painting it - primer coat is drying. I have stopped nagging for things to be done around instead of being upset, I just do them or get someone else to do them.
Today's Mary Challenge asks us to take some time and prepare a plan for managing our home. I used to have a weekly schedule, to which I scheduled laundry and household "stuff". However, it became too overwhelming and rigid for me to adhere. Now I make a weekly schedule each Sunday, and add the "wish to dos" amongst the "have to dos". Each week I tailor the schedule to our needs and wants, and no two weeks are the same. But each week I do laundry, I clean, and I take care of meals, etc. I have a dry erase board that I fill with different fun colors. This has its place on our fridge, and opposite it resides the monthly family calendar.
Note: I am a planner by nature, but I have learned that not everything can be planned.
I will have pictures tomorrow from week #3. Hopefully you all have a blessed, Saturday.
So judgment day did not occur...guess I have to continue with the 31 day challenge. Tee Hee!
Today I am tackling something that has not been done for over 3 years. What is this project? Painting a portion of the basement wall. Doesn't sound super difficult, right? I just think time and desire to accomplish the task are the real issues here.
In March of 2008, we had a new furnace installed in our basement. Our old one was from the 50s or 60s, or sometime back them. One of the storage areas (the place the houses our pantry) was a coal shoot - yeah, we have an OLD home. The old furnace was a monster, and took up a huge part of the basement. When the new furnace was installed a portion of the wall (original chimney brick) showed. This wall happens to be in the office/music studio portion of the basement. This is an area that I spend a good amount of time in each week.
Jim promised he would fix this wall, and I figured I could wait a month or two - try 38 months later. I am currently in the process of painting it - primer coat is drying. I have stopped nagging for things to be done around instead of being upset, I just do them or get someone else to do them.
Today's Mary Challenge asks us to take some time and prepare a plan for managing our home. I used to have a weekly schedule, to which I scheduled laundry and household "stuff". However, it became too overwhelming and rigid for me to adhere. Now I make a weekly schedule each Sunday, and add the "wish to dos" amongst the "have to dos". Each week I tailor the schedule to our needs and wants, and no two weeks are the same. But each week I do laundry, I clean, and I take care of meals, etc. I have a dry erase board that I fill with different fun colors. This has its place on our fridge, and opposite it resides the monthly family calendar.
Note: I am a planner by nature, but I have learned that not everything can be planned.
I will have pictures tomorrow from week #3. Hopefully you all have a blessed, Saturday.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Friday, May 20, 2011
Day #20 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #20 - Time
I would like to win the lotto - or at least inherit 10K. Not looking for a lot, but these medical bills keep coming in, and sheesh - I am overwhelmed. Now our animals are having problems...yes, I said it: our animals. After spending a bit over $100, I am in limbo waiting to get blood test results for our youngest cat: Milo.
At a spry age of eight, Milo has had the most problems of any of our pets. He is obese (of course not quite sure he is anymore, since he has lost 3 pounds in 8 months...way too fast for a cat), he has allergies, and now he stalks and bites the feline girls and the human girls.
Milo has an infected canine tooth, and the blood test results will show us if he can withstand the surgery to remove it. It will also shed light on his weight loss, and his recent behavior changes. So we wait. And with an animal, payment is upfront (no surprises showing up in the mail), so I won't have to worry about that.
Today I spent time on my bathroom floors. I also purchased a new litter box for the bathroom/utility room in the basement. I really hope it makes the kitties feel special. I also bought Milo some special moist food (the felines all eat crunchy nuggets) and he lapped it up. I hope his recent behavior will subside, but if not I want to give him as much love as he lets me.
I also have a special project for the ladies - painting a curtain that hangs in the space between our furnace and the wall. The furnace is between our utility room and the office/music studio in the basement. So, I will let the ladies work their artsy magic on the blank canvas. Most likely this will take place later this evening, because Evie has an extra dance rehearsal this evening from 5:15 until 6:15. And I have to take the ladies to get the paint once we pick Zoe up from school at 3:30. Phew! :)
This brings me to the topic of Day #20: Time. Yeah, there is never enough of it ~ especially when you have a full schedule. Our girls are both in private Christian school; they go three days per week (Zoe full days and Evie half days). So they have time at home for home-schooling activities. Zoe takes piano lessons and both girls take ballet. That is all. We don't over-schedule our weeks, because when everything is coming to an end (like it is right now) we only have a crazy week or two...not all the time. I thank God for my ability to plan...but also for my flexibility. I seem to need as much work in that as possible, and He likes to put me into situations that help me learn to bend from my schedule.
I will post pictures tomorrow of the curtain project. I will also fill you in on the results of Milo's blood work.
I would like to win the lotto - or at least inherit 10K. Not looking for a lot, but these medical bills keep coming in, and sheesh - I am overwhelmed. Now our animals are having problems...yes, I said it: our animals. After spending a bit over $100, I am in limbo waiting to get blood test results for our youngest cat: Milo.
At a spry age of eight, Milo has had the most problems of any of our pets. He is obese (of course not quite sure he is anymore, since he has lost 3 pounds in 8 months...way too fast for a cat), he has allergies, and now he stalks and bites the feline girls and the human girls.
Milo has an infected canine tooth, and the blood test results will show us if he can withstand the surgery to remove it. It will also shed light on his weight loss, and his recent behavior changes. So we wait. And with an animal, payment is upfront (no surprises showing up in the mail), so I won't have to worry about that.
Today I spent time on my bathroom floors. I also purchased a new litter box for the bathroom/utility room in the basement. I really hope it makes the kitties feel special. I also bought Milo some special moist food (the felines all eat crunchy nuggets) and he lapped it up. I hope his recent behavior will subside, but if not I want to give him as much love as he lets me.
I also have a special project for the ladies - painting a curtain that hangs in the space between our furnace and the wall. The furnace is between our utility room and the office/music studio in the basement. So, I will let the ladies work their artsy magic on the blank canvas. Most likely this will take place later this evening, because Evie has an extra dance rehearsal this evening from 5:15 until 6:15. And I have to take the ladies to get the paint once we pick Zoe up from school at 3:30. Phew! :)
This brings me to the topic of Day #20: Time. Yeah, there is never enough of it ~ especially when you have a full schedule. Our girls are both in private Christian school; they go three days per week (Zoe full days and Evie half days). So they have time at home for home-schooling activities. Zoe takes piano lessons and both girls take ballet. That is all. We don't over-schedule our weeks, because when everything is coming to an end (like it is right now) we only have a crazy week or two...not all the time. I thank God for my ability to plan...but also for my flexibility. I seem to need as much work in that as possible, and He likes to put me into situations that help me learn to bend from my schedule.
I will post pictures tomorrow of the curtain project. I will also fill you in on the results of Milo's blood work.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Day #19 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #19 - Finding Joy in the Self-Disciplined Life
Probably one of my top favorite Bible verses is Pslams 30:5:
Sarah Mae asks us to do a study on words "self-discipline" and "joy" in the Bible. Before I even did a search on those words, I immediately thought of the verse above. Love that one!
Here are the Six Tips in Leading a Self-Disciplined Life according to 31 Days to Clean:
1) Commitment
2) Set and Complete Goals
3) Do What You Say You Will Do
4) Learn to Say, "NO"
5) Practice
6) Don't Give Up
Today I worked on the walls and shelves in the bathrooms. I had to replace one of the toilet seats and a shower curtain rod. It really feels good when I can see the final outcome and be proud that I am taking care of my home in this way!
I have not felt the greatest for the last couple of days. Whether it be seasonal allergies or just overwhelmed fatigue, I am looking forward to sleep this evening. However, before that sleep can take place I will be going to a special event at The Henry Ford Museum this evening with my father. We are getting a preview of the Civil War exhibit in the museum. I am really excited for this, but also wish I felt better to truly enjoy it.
Probably one of my top favorite Bible verses is Pslams 30:5:
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for a lifetime;
Weeping may last for the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning.
Weeping may last for the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning.
Sarah Mae asks us to do a study on words "self-discipline" and "joy" in the Bible. Before I even did a search on those words, I immediately thought of the verse above. Love that one!
Here are the Six Tips in Leading a Self-Disciplined Life according to 31 Days to Clean:
1) Commitment
2) Set and Complete Goals
3) Do What You Say You Will Do
4) Learn to Say, "NO"
5) Practice
6) Don't Give Up
Today I worked on the walls and shelves in the bathrooms. I had to replace one of the toilet seats and a shower curtain rod. It really feels good when I can see the final outcome and be proud that I am taking care of my home in this way!
I have not felt the greatest for the last couple of days. Whether it be seasonal allergies or just overwhelmed fatigue, I am looking forward to sleep this evening. However, before that sleep can take place I will be going to a special event at The Henry Ford Museum this evening with my father. We are getting a preview of the Civil War exhibit in the museum. I am really excited for this, but also wish I felt better to truly enjoy it.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day #18 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #18 - Making Your Personality Work for You
I should subtitle this blog entry: NO WIRE HANGERS!
Today's Martha challenge was to clean out and organize bedroom closets. I had already done quite a bit of purging not that long ago, due to my dear friend, Fairy Tale Mama, and her blogs centered around the book, 30 Days to a Simpler Life. I did not follow the Simpler Life daily challenges, but rather pulled activities from her blogs to then complete on my own. One of those tasks was to purge my clothing.
Of course, today when I was trading our mishmash hangers for a streamline version from Target, I found a few more items that were just not working anymore. I did not purchase all new wooden hangers, like the pros recommend. However, having all the same hanger in the closet makes a huge difference in how the clothing hangs! I also got a few laughs at the shirts my husband insists on saving.
I was very proud of my Martha challenge accomplishments today, however, I am still contemplating the Mary portion of the challenge. The Mary challenge was to try one of the ideas listed with my personality type. Those were the ones discussed in yesterday's blog. I am a "C" and the last sentence of Sarah Mae's description of "The 'C' Style" really touched me.
Wow. This speaks to me on so many levels; not just the condition of my home. This can apply to my marriage, my family, my career, my friendships, etc. What a powerful way to end a VERY VERY exhausting day!
I should subtitle this blog entry: NO WIRE HANGERS!
Today's Martha challenge was to clean out and organize bedroom closets. I had already done quite a bit of purging not that long ago, due to my dear friend, Fairy Tale Mama, and her blogs centered around the book, 30 Days to a Simpler Life. I did not follow the Simpler Life daily challenges, but rather pulled activities from her blogs to then complete on my own. One of those tasks was to purge my clothing.
Of course, today when I was trading our mishmash hangers for a streamline version from Target, I found a few more items that were just not working anymore. I did not purchase all new wooden hangers, like the pros recommend. However, having all the same hanger in the closet makes a huge difference in how the clothing hangs! I also got a few laughs at the shirts my husband insists on saving.
I was very proud of my Martha challenge accomplishments today, however, I am still contemplating the Mary portion of the challenge. The Mary challenge was to try one of the ideas listed with my personality type. Those were the ones discussed in yesterday's blog. I am a "C" and the last sentence of Sarah Mae's description of "The 'C' Style" really touched me.
"Strive for excellence, but land in the softness of grace."
Wow. This speaks to me on so many levels; not just the condition of my home. This can apply to my marriage, my family, my career, my friendships, etc. What a powerful way to end a VERY VERY exhausting day!
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Collection of Pictures #2 {31 Days to Clean}
Collection of Pictures #2
Bathroom Closet Before
Bathroom Closet After
Dress up Clothes Before (dumped in pile)
Dress up Clothes After
Yummy Banana Bread - Motivation
Closet in Play Room -
Don't you just LOVE the Eric Carle Growth Chart I got from Stonyfield Farms!
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Day #17 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #17 - Your Cleaning Style
I started today with making banana bread with the ladies. Yesterday I wrote about fragrances that center me; banana bread seems to center my ladies. While it was baking, we purged and cleaned the dress-up clothing, the pretend food (love Melissa & Doug play food sets!), and bin with musical instruments; all are located in our basement play area.
These activities were met with a bit of resistance, but in the end I was very proud of my ladies and their ability to learn from example. There was banana bread for snack time, so that was a fantastic motivator to get the projects done.
The Mary Challenge today was what kind of D.I.S.C. personality I have. I am a "C", which is not completely surprising. But I enjoyed taking the quiz and learning a bit more about my personality according to this quiz of course. A C is:
C (Compliance)
General Characteristics:
Accurate; analytical. Conscientious; careful. Fact-finder; precise. High standards; systematic.
Value to Team:
Perspective: "the anchor of reality." Conscientious and even-tempered. Thorough to all activities. Defines situation; gathers, criticizes and tests information.
Possible Weaknesses:
Needs clear-cut boundaries for actions/relationships. Bound by procedures and methods. Gets bogged down in details. Prefers not to verbalize feelings. Will give in rather that argue.
Greatest Fear:
Motivated By:
Standards of high quality. Limited social interaction. Detailed tasks. Logical organization of information.
Ideal Environment:
Tasks and projects that can be followed through to completion. Specialized or technical tasks. Practical work procedures and routines. Few conflicts and arguments. Instructions and reassurance that they are doing what is expected of them.
Remember a High C May Want:
Autonomy and independence, controlled work environment, reassurance, precise expectations and goals, exact job descriptions, planned change.
Prepare your case in advance. Delineate pros and cons of proposed ideas. Support ideas and statements with accurate data. Reassure them that no surprises will occur. Submit an exact job description with a precise explanation of how that task fits into the big picture. Review recommendations with them in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Be specific when agreeing. Disagree with the facts rather than the person when disagreeing. Be patient, persistent, and diplomatic while providing explanations.
Refuse to explain details. Answer questions vaguely or casually.
While analyzing information, a High C may:
Become overly cautious and conservative. Get too bogged down in details. Avoid or postpone decisions, especially if they perceive a risk. Be an effective trouble shooter.
C's possess these positive characteristics in teams:
Instinctive organizers. "Do it yourself" managers - create and maintain systems. Strive for a logical, consistent environment. Control the details. Conscientious. Evaluate the team's progress. Ask important questions. Maintain focus on tasks. Offer conservative approaches. Emphasize quality. Think logically. Will share risks and responsibilities. Work systematically. Will strive for consensus. Diplomatic. Analyze obstacles.
Personal Growth Areas for C's:
Concentrate on doing the right things, not just doing things right. Be less critical of others' ideas and methods. Respond more quickly to accomplish team goals. Strive to build relationships with other team members. Be more decisive. Focus less on facts and more on people. Take risks along with other team members.
I started today with making banana bread with the ladies. Yesterday I wrote about fragrances that center me; banana bread seems to center my ladies. While it was baking, we purged and cleaned the dress-up clothing, the pretend food (love Melissa & Doug play food sets!), and bin with musical instruments; all are located in our basement play area.
These activities were met with a bit of resistance, but in the end I was very proud of my ladies and their ability to learn from example. There was banana bread for snack time, so that was a fantastic motivator to get the projects done.
The Mary Challenge today was what kind of D.I.S.C. personality I have. I am a "C", which is not completely surprising. But I enjoyed taking the quiz and learning a bit more about my personality according to this quiz of course. A C is:
C (Compliance)
General Characteristics:
Accurate; analytical. Conscientious; careful. Fact-finder; precise. High standards; systematic.
Value to Team:
Perspective: "the anchor of reality." Conscientious and even-tempered. Thorough to all activities. Defines situation; gathers, criticizes and tests information.
Possible Weaknesses:
Needs clear-cut boundaries for actions/relationships. Bound by procedures and methods. Gets bogged down in details. Prefers not to verbalize feelings. Will give in rather that argue.
Greatest Fear:
Motivated By:
Standards of high quality. Limited social interaction. Detailed tasks. Logical organization of information.
Ideal Environment:
Tasks and projects that can be followed through to completion. Specialized or technical tasks. Practical work procedures and routines. Few conflicts and arguments. Instructions and reassurance that they are doing what is expected of them.
Remember a High C May Want:
Autonomy and independence, controlled work environment, reassurance, precise expectations and goals, exact job descriptions, planned change.
Prepare your case in advance. Delineate pros and cons of proposed ideas. Support ideas and statements with accurate data. Reassure them that no surprises will occur. Submit an exact job description with a precise explanation of how that task fits into the big picture. Review recommendations with them in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Be specific when agreeing. Disagree with the facts rather than the person when disagreeing. Be patient, persistent, and diplomatic while providing explanations.
Refuse to explain details. Answer questions vaguely or casually.
While analyzing information, a High C may:
Become overly cautious and conservative. Get too bogged down in details. Avoid or postpone decisions, especially if they perceive a risk. Be an effective trouble shooter.
C's possess these positive characteristics in teams:
Instinctive organizers. "Do it yourself" managers - create and maintain systems. Strive for a logical, consistent environment. Control the details. Conscientious. Evaluate the team's progress. Ask important questions. Maintain focus on tasks. Offer conservative approaches. Emphasize quality. Think logically. Will share risks and responsibilities. Work systematically. Will strive for consensus. Diplomatic. Analyze obstacles.
Personal Growth Areas for C's:
Concentrate on doing the right things, not just doing things right. Be less critical of others' ideas and methods. Respond more quickly to accomplish team goals. Strive to build relationships with other team members. Be more decisive. Focus less on facts and more on people. Take risks along with other team members.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Monday, May 16, 2011
Day #16 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #16 - Willing Hands
What is one of my favorite things? Relaxing fragrances. I'm not a flowery person, nor do I like strong scents. My favorite ones are clove, cinnamon, vanilla, and orange (plus coffee brewing and a library or bookstore). Smelling those fragrances centers me in a way that is hard to explain. Lets just say that I missed my wallflower this weekend, but today I stopped in and purchased a few. I also purchased new lamp shades for our living room lamps as well as a new lamp for the basement (the old one was broken). The lamp shades make a huge difference in the feels quite a bit more inviting.
The Mary task for today asks, "what is your block?" I do feel that life (i.e. external forces) prevents me from keeping on task. Honestly, I don't know if I am able to rid myself of external forces (stuff will always happen). However, quite possibly I can ignore external forces. Not sure how happy that will make me...ignoring things in the world. I'll have to ponder and pray on that more.
Today I completed the floors in the bedroom, but I will be having the carpets professionally cleaned next week. I seem to have a full week ahead of me, but my plan is to continue the 31 day process, because I truly am seeing changes.
What is one of my favorite things? Relaxing fragrances. I'm not a flowery person, nor do I like strong scents. My favorite ones are clove, cinnamon, vanilla, and orange (plus coffee brewing and a library or bookstore). Smelling those fragrances centers me in a way that is hard to explain. Lets just say that I missed my wallflower this weekend, but today I stopped in and purchased a few. I also purchased new lamp shades for our living room lamps as well as a new lamp for the basement (the old one was broken). The lamp shades make a huge difference in the feels quite a bit more inviting.
The Mary task for today asks, "what is your block?" I do feel that life (i.e. external forces) prevents me from keeping on task. Honestly, I don't know if I am able to rid myself of external forces (stuff will always happen). However, quite possibly I can ignore external forces. Not sure how happy that will make me...ignoring things in the world. I'll have to ponder and pray on that more.
Today I completed the floors in the bedroom, but I will be having the carpets professionally cleaned next week. I seem to have a full week ahead of me, but my plan is to continue the 31 day process, because I truly am seeing changes.
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Day #15 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #15 - I'd Rather Do Anything But Clean (Motivation)
I suppose everyone has the household "things" they like to do, and the ones they abhor. For me, I do love to vacuum. There is something very powerful about sucking up hair, crumbs, and other miscellaneous filth on the ground - and instant gratification. The interesting thing is that I would rather vacuum an area then anything else.
What do I dislike? Where do I start? Windows, walls, washing floors, doing laundry, washing dishes. Oh, who am I kidding? I really don't like to do any of it, besides vacuuming.
When I wrote my mission statement 2 Sundays ago, I hoped that at some point my girls would catch onto the importance of a clean home. My Mission Statement:
With a household of people coming today, I wanted the ladies to clean their play table. The table is perfect for holding presents. Believe it or not, they actually helped to organize the items on the table, and put them in their right locations! I was shocked and thrilled. It wasn't without a bit of fighting over who owned each little item (the table is a converted train table that now houses strawberry shortcakes, fairies and legos). But in the end we have a clean surface for the placement of of gifts later. I am sorry I didn't take a before and after pic to congratulate them online!
Sarah Mae suggests writing a lesson plan for your children about "the eternal value of taking care of your domain". Instead of a lesson plan, I have incorporated my girls into the process of cleaning, purging, and reorganizing each day. They are well aware that I am doing the 31-day program, and ask what is next on the list. Some projects are not child-friendly (i.e. going through medicine and cleaning supplies), but most of the daily chores are completely able to be restructured for their help and/or input. With incorporating my girls I am hoping they take a more active role in maintaining what we are accomplishing each day. Still crossing fingers...HA!
Have a lovely day!
I suppose everyone has the household "things" they like to do, and the ones they abhor. For me, I do love to vacuum. There is something very powerful about sucking up hair, crumbs, and other miscellaneous filth on the ground - and instant gratification. The interesting thing is that I would rather vacuum an area then anything else.
What do I dislike? Where do I start? Windows, walls, washing floors, doing laundry, washing dishes. Oh, who am I kidding? I really don't like to do any of it, besides vacuuming.
When I wrote my mission statement 2 Sundays ago, I hoped that at some point my girls would catch onto the importance of a clean home. My Mission Statement:
I will create a space that is comfortable and stress-free, while fostering the importance of an organized and clean environment for my family.
With a household of people coming today, I wanted the ladies to clean their play table. The table is perfect for holding presents. Believe it or not, they actually helped to organize the items on the table, and put them in their right locations! I was shocked and thrilled. It wasn't without a bit of fighting over who owned each little item (the table is a converted train table that now houses strawberry shortcakes, fairies and legos). But in the end we have a clean surface for the placement of of gifts later. I am sorry I didn't take a before and after pic to congratulate them online!
Sarah Mae suggests writing a lesson plan for your children about "the eternal value of taking care of your domain". Instead of a lesson plan, I have incorporated my girls into the process of cleaning, purging, and reorganizing each day. They are well aware that I am doing the 31-day program, and ask what is next on the list. Some projects are not child-friendly (i.e. going through medicine and cleaning supplies), but most of the daily chores are completely able to be restructured for their help and/or input. With incorporating my girls I am hoping they take a more active role in maintaining what we are accomplishing each day. Still crossing fingers...HA!
Have a lovely day!
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Day #14 {31 Days to Clean}
Day #14 - The Secret to Having Energy
What makes me feel "jazzed"? This is the Mary Challenge for today. I must say that when I see the word, "JAZZ", I think of JAZZ HANDS! This is probably a direct result from too many show choir rehearsals and productions over the years. I even was director of a small high school group last year called (what else?!): Jazz Hands! Such a silly name...but maybe that is good imagery to focus myself on.
I suppose the thing that I enjoy doing more than anything else is singing and playing the piano for a group of people. If that place is church, or home, or on stage somewhere; that is where I feel most in tune with my true self. It is also where I feel closest to the Creator, and my spiritual purpose.
Of course, Sarah Mae suggests that we should take a couple hours of our week to feel jazzy. I am not entirely certain that would be feasible for me. Being part of a show right now would be very difficult in our current schedule/routine. Of course a few years ago I took a tap class...maybe that would work?!
The Martha challenge for today was to clean and store winter bedding and bring out the summer bedding. Target had a great sheet sale this past week. I bought new sheets for Jim and I and for the ladies. They have been washed and placed on the beds. I have to be truthful, and say that I still have the other sheets (the ones that were on the bed) to launder, but that's not a horrible place to be in. I also was able to clean out my linen closet this week, due to my searching for summer sheets (we use flannel ones in the winter).
I really didn't think the closet was that bad, but yeah...messy.
All this cleaning must be rubbing off into the rest of my life - because when I went to find a refill for our wallflower, I ended up cleaning the entire cabinet in our bathroom! Seriously. It was really a mess, and the shelves were black with dust/dirt. I took a pic - and I'll post it tomorrow or Monday. Tomorrow, of course, is Evie's Birthday party with our family.
Needless to say, I did find that I will be making a stop at Bath & Body Works this week for a wallflower refill. We are plum out of them!
As I look at the week ahead, I know there are plenty of areas that are going to benefit from the 31-days! What a fun and fabulous way to get this cleaning done! Two weeks down and I really see a difference in my home!
What makes me feel "jazzed"? This is the Mary Challenge for today. I must say that when I see the word, "JAZZ", I think of JAZZ HANDS! This is probably a direct result from too many show choir rehearsals and productions over the years. I even was director of a small high school group last year called (what else?!): Jazz Hands! Such a silly name...but maybe that is good imagery to focus myself on.
I suppose the thing that I enjoy doing more than anything else is singing and playing the piano for a group of people. If that place is church, or home, or on stage somewhere; that is where I feel most in tune with my true self. It is also where I feel closest to the Creator, and my spiritual purpose.
Of course, Sarah Mae suggests that we should take a couple hours of our week to feel jazzy. I am not entirely certain that would be feasible for me. Being part of a show right now would be very difficult in our current schedule/routine. Of course a few years ago I took a tap class...maybe that would work?!
The Martha challenge for today was to clean and store winter bedding and bring out the summer bedding. Target had a great sheet sale this past week. I bought new sheets for Jim and I and for the ladies. They have been washed and placed on the beds. I have to be truthful, and say that I still have the other sheets (the ones that were on the bed) to launder, but that's not a horrible place to be in. I also was able to clean out my linen closet this week, due to my searching for summer sheets (we use flannel ones in the winter).
I really didn't think the closet was that bad, but yeah...messy.
All this cleaning must be rubbing off into the rest of my life - because when I went to find a refill for our wallflower, I ended up cleaning the entire cabinet in our bathroom! Seriously. It was really a mess, and the shelves were black with dust/dirt. I took a pic - and I'll post it tomorrow or Monday. Tomorrow, of course, is Evie's Birthday party with our family.
Needless to say, I did find that I will be making a stop at Bath & Body Works this week for a wallflower refill. We are plum out of them!
As I look at the week ahead, I know there are plenty of areas that are going to benefit from the 31-days! What a fun and fabulous way to get this cleaning done! Two weeks down and I really see a difference in my home!
31 Days to Clean,
home organization
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