The Danger of Being Good and Empty
Matthew 12:43-45
Yesterday I posted a poem by T.S. Elliot called, The Hollow Men. If you haven't already taken time to read it, I HIGHLY recommend stopping now and looking at it. The poem was referenced in this week's Sunday Bible Study. In the poem it is implied that we have stuffed our lives with straw, rather than God Almighty. No matter how much we stuff our lives with straw (or stuff), it will never take the place of being truly filled.
As you know, we are working on the Parables of Jesus, and this weeks lesson (November 8th) really hit home for me. I have received flack from others regarding my relationship with Bonnie; mostly because she is a Jehovah Witness and, therefore, weird from her religious beliefs. But I have fallen in love with her; in a spiritual sense. I have become addicted to her personality - one that's filled with the loving spirit of God. I want to spend time with her to not only learn the Bible, but to surround myself with her fulfilled life. She literally glows. However, I don't believe it is ONLY because she is a Witness. I believe she is filled with the spirit; unlike most of the world. I want to glow like that; I want to be infectious with the spirit of God.
The week's parable is a rather odd one on the surface - unclean spirit, seven other evil spirits, evil generation, etc. However, upon further investigation I found it extremely profound in meaning and application for my life. Yes, most people want happiness and to be good. Many people tolerate others, as long as their "ways" don't affect them. Being superficially nice isn't exactly what Jesus meant when he said, "love your neighbor." He meant to truly love your fellow man, just as you love yourself. How many can honestly say they do that?
How often do we run into people that call themselves Christians, but treat others like second class citizens, or even worse: are cold and proper to others, pretending to like them? Kalas, author of "More Parables from the Back Side," writes, "They seem to be persons who probably never do anything very wrong, but who have limited joy, and who probably bring little joy to the world around them. They seem to be rather well cleaned, but painfully empty."
John 10:10 states, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Jesus is telling us to live life with abundance, but do I live my life with way? Kalas writes, "We too easily settle for being clean, good, and nice, because this is more or less in our control. On the surface, this is something we can bring off. We can reform, making ourselves a little bit better. We can discipline ourselves to the point where we become rather admirable. But we can't fill ourselves. We can occupy ourselves, by keeping busy, even to the point of nervous exhaustion. But we can't fill ourselves."
I always feel this overflow of love and passion for Christ when I meet with Bonnie. Maybe this is why I continue to study with her. I too want to be magnificently full; so full that I bubble over with the glow of love to others. I know that this fullness comes when we walk consistently with God Almighty; and I am committed to continuing my walk.
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