Yesterday I had a wonderful conversation with Bonnie. Once again I am in thought about what I believe, and what I do not believe. This week's topic was "The Lord's Evening Meal," or as most call it, "Holy Communion" or "The Last Supper."
As in many of their practices, the Witnesses have their own way of celebrating Jesus's last meal. I was brought up in the Lutheran belief system, however, I was never comfortable with many of the teachings. The one thing that I never understood was "transubstantiation." Does the Eucharist really become the flesh and blood of Jesus? My inner voice said, "no." To this day, I cannot imagine thinking differently. I'm sure my Catholic friends would tell me that I'm crazy to think eating the body and drinking the blood is cannibalism, but I cannot help feeling that way.
The witnesses believe the covenant is an agreement, not a tangible object (i.e. the cup). Which makes clear sense to me. Why would Christians be concerned about a plain and ugly cup? Why not also look for the basket that held the unleavened bread? Blood is so important in the Bible, it appears in many of the scriptures. During the passover meal, (Luke 22:20) Jesus said " virtue of my blood." He did not mean literally, "This cup is the new covenant," but rather he meant that by HIS BLOOD (which is symbolized in the cup) a new covenant would be formed. We know that God formed a covenant with Abraham, in which there was not a tangible object involved. So why would Jesus decide that the covenant must contain a tangible item?
Another interesting point is how often should we remember this meal? Jesus made a point of stating we need to "remember" him; but he didn't clearly state how often. Catholics take communion every Sunday, and sometimes during the week. Some protestant religions take it a few times a year. However, Witnesses participate in the meal on the 14th of Nisan each year. Yes, they use the Hebrew calendar to determine which evening is Passover. This is when they participate in the meal, because this is when Jesus and his disciples had the meal. Witnesses believe Jesus was replacing the Passover meal with the new yearly meal. It is written that Jesus said, "man does not live on bread alone," but he is not suggesting that we need to have a more lush diet of fruits and veggies. He is speaking spiritually. I believe we need to have our "daily bread," as stated in the "Lord's Prayer," but I'm unsure how often it is necessary to participate in the act of "Holy Communion". And am I worthy to even participate?
Maybe worthy isn't the correct term, but after talking with Bonnie I started to wonder if I was truly deserving of the meal. Witnesses believe that only the 144,000 are able to drink the wine and eat the bread at the meal. Of course this means VERY few people around the world are eating the flesh and drinking the blood each year. The rest of the Witnesses pass the meal, but only remain present during the meal. They are strictly viewers. The Witnesses believe that unless you know for certain that you are of the anointed (i.e. the 144,000), you are not worthy of taking the meal. In 1 Corinthians 11:27 it is written, "Consequently whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord. First let a man approve himself after scrutiny, and thus let him eat of the loaf and drink of the cup. For he that eats and drinks eats and drinks judgment against himself if he does not discern the body." Initially I was very disturbed by this, considering I had just taken communion on Sunday. But after a night of pondering, I came to a conclusion:
The covenant is between Jesus and those that are going to heaven. Witness believe only 144,000 will go to heaven. Other Christian faiths believe that anyone can go to heaven (of course different stipulations apply). Therefore, the reason Bonnie and most other Witnesses do NOT partake in the meal is because they will inherit the Earth not go to heaven.
Definitely something to think about. Of course interpretation is the key here. I am still praying on this.
In a bit of online research I uncovered a great article that put many parts of the "Lords Evening Meal" into perspective. You can read it here.
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