If I had to choose a religion that best "fits" me, I would chose Christianity. I believe that the teachings of Jesus Christ are wonderful ways in which we are humans can live a loving and giving life. To be closer to our Creator, and living a life that he/she wants for us is what our goal should be. To be more Christ-like...which, in my humble opinion means: To LOVE.
Even with all the Bible studying that I've done in this last year, I still view the overall message very different than the people that judge others and use scripture as a reason to judge others.
Yes, maybe I'm a contradiction. I believe in the teachings of Jesus. I am a Christian. I want my children to grow up knowing God and Jesus. I have what some call a "personal" relationship with Christ. I pray to God. I do my best to live the way Jesus taught others. And that is why I am perplexed at the hatred Christians (on a whole) tend to exhibit. Sometimes I am embarrassed to call myself a Christian? Why? Because there is so much anger, hatred, and judging that those calling themselves Christians exhibit.
Currently there is a huge situation with putting a Mosque near the site of the 9/11 bombings on the Twin Towers in New York city. I realize that the terrorists that drove their planes into the buildings were Muslim, but above all they were terrorists. If they were Christian extremists, would there be a debate if a group wanted to place a church in the vicinity? I cannot imagine. In fact, what exactly would Christians say if a Muslim group or some Muslim individuals were protesting that there shouldn't be a church by a place that a Christian bombed?
The news (i.e. that to which I hear on NPR and read online) paints a picture of such bigotry and ironic Christian behavior that I am provoked to stand on my soapbox and rant. If you aren't interested to read further, close your browser window or click on a link and get off this page.
What is fascinating to me is: where does the anger originate? Why are people so angry that a place of worship would be built by a site of horrible carnage? After all, many different people were killed that day: Christian, Jew, Muslim, white, black, etc. etc. So why is there such madness about the Muslim worship center? In my opinion, truth lies in the main reason for anger: Muslims bombed our Christian country...they don't deserve a worship center near the bombings. Are we really a Christian country? What happened to religious freedom? And on an Evangelical-based twist: is Satan to blame for the hatred?
I am not suggesting that murderers should go unpunished. But I find it very interesting how quickly Christians throw the stones at an entire religion, when only those involved should be punished in the end. Jesus said in Matthew 12:36-37:
"But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
So who is judging then? Should we judge? What if the son of a best friend commits suicide? Do we go to the funeral quoting how the child will suffer in the pits of hell (which isn't in the Bible...but another blog topic)? Of course not. If you are a Christian, you believe in a judgment day. Don't we want more people to desire to be more like Christ? If the only Christians in the lime-light are those exhibiting hatred, how many others are going to jump on board and say, "YES! THAT IS WHAT I WANT! I WANT TO FOLLOW CHRIST LIKE THOSE PEOPLE!" I would have to think most people would not want to be like that.
Many Christians don't believe that Jehovah Witnesses are Christians. But I cannot see them as anything but Christ-like. Yes, some of their beliefs are a bit non-mainstream (I cannot imagine a life without Birthdays and holidays), but they are true "uniters". They don't vote for political leaders, because they believe law comes from Jehovah (God). They don't kill others (i.e. fight in wars), so they are listening to Jesus when he says, "love your neighbor" and "you shouldn't kill". They don't take a sign and join the non-abortion rallies, yet they are very strict on what life is. Life starts at conception for them...they just don't want to exhibit hatred to others. This is very admirable. They aren't hypocrites.
When I say hypocrites, I have to be careful because it dabs into my own judging of others. However, I am going to explain what I mean when I say that MANY Christians are hypocrites. God said, "Thou shall not kill." Okay...pretty damn simple I think. This scripture is in the Old Testament, or the Hebrew Scripture, or the Tanakh. Therefore, all three main religions (Muslim, Jew, and Christian) believe this. In fact, if you missed it in Exodus, it's right there in Deuteronomy. And if you grew up a Lutheran, the 10 Commandments you use are the ones in Deuteronomy. Which is a great discussion on one of your first dates! Who is right? The Lutherans or the rest of Christiandom? Really...does it matter? The Commandments are the same.
So lets get back to the point. No killing. Christians don't want to kill unborn babies, which is totally in line with scripture. But what about killing a prisoner? What about killing in war? How is this any different than killing another person or a baby? Aren't the men and women in the armed force innocent? Just because the people that are the "enemies" are on the other side doesn't mean they aren't God's people. I always find the statement, "God was on our side" to be so ridiculous. What about all the children he lost?
Killing is just one of the hypocritical points of those that take on the guise of Christian. So it's often difficult to express myself, hoping others don't assume I'm one of "those" Christians. **this statement makes me laugh**
But I digress. I am angry. Angry that Christians and Muslims are fighting still...after all these years. Wars fought in Jesus's name. Not letting others have the right to worship. What would the founding fathers think of this? The founding fathers weren't Christian...they were deists at best. Of course, by this point, they had killed to get to their place in govenment...so I suppose America was founded by hypocrites...ah, who the hell cares?
I do. I care for my children. I want them to be Christ-like. I don't want them to think that means to hate others that aren't Christian. Or to judge those that are different then what the Bible teaches. Jehovah Witnesses never shy away from trying to teach homosexuals or members of other religions. They believe that people can change. I believe that to. At least I am trying to believe that.
All we truly need is Love. I realize that I am referencing a song. But it's true. The old saying, "Why can't we all just get along?" is right up there too.
So go ahead with your hate...your fear...your personal agendas. Hopefully I can be more Christ-like and show my children that LOVE is what being a Christian is all about. Maybe, just maybe, they'll grow up to love others no matter what religion, or color, or background, or sex, or whatever. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get to see them grow up to live fruitful Christian loving lives. Maybe.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
children's poetry
The Swing
Back and Forth
Back and Forth
I swing with Mama
On the porch
Back and Forth
and back again
Smiling faces
Lifelong Friends
The Butterfly
Flutterby Butterfly
Way up high
In the sky
Flutterby Butterfly
I wonder why
You stop by
Flutterby Butterfly
You must fly?
Well then, goodbye
The Clock
Tickity Tock Tickity Tock
Go the hands up on the clock
Tockity Tick Tockity Tick
Seconds, minutes, hours-click
Tickity Tock Tickity Tock
Hands around the face do walk
Tockity Tick Tockity Tick
Numbers pass, and wheels turn quick!
The Grocery Store
I stand up on my tippy toes
Up high, so I can see
The cash register and counter top
With all the groceries.
There are apples and bananas,
Avocado, eggplant too,
Lettuce, celery, and tomatoes,
Green beans and beef for stew.
Each item gets a chance to pass
Beside a small red light,
We get to choose which bags to use
I watch to my delight.
The cashier takes the money owed
Returns to us the change,
Our shopping cart is piled sky-high
Just like a mountain range.
Polka Party
Papa plays accordion,
He oom-pas all day long.
Grandma starts in clapping,
And I, I sing a song.
Dancing two-four rhythms,
The “squeezebox” bellows blow.
Then grandma takes my hands,
And ‘round and ‘round we go!
Elbow Haiku
Clever human bone
Carefully concealed beneath
Surprise! An Elbow!
Back and Forth
Back and Forth
I swing with Mama
On the porch
Back and Forth
and back again
Smiling faces
Lifelong Friends
The Butterfly
Flutterby Butterfly
Way up high
In the sky
Flutterby Butterfly
I wonder why
You stop by
Flutterby Butterfly
You must fly?
Well then, goodbye
The Clock
Tickity Tock Tickity Tock
Go the hands up on the clock
Tockity Tick Tockity Tick
Seconds, minutes, hours-click
Tickity Tock Tickity Tock
Hands around the face do walk
Tockity Tick Tockity Tick
Numbers pass, and wheels turn quick!
The Grocery Store
I stand up on my tippy toes
Up high, so I can see
The cash register and counter top
With all the groceries.
There are apples and bananas,
Avocado, eggplant too,
Lettuce, celery, and tomatoes,
Green beans and beef for stew.
Each item gets a chance to pass
Beside a small red light,
We get to choose which bags to use
I watch to my delight.
The cashier takes the money owed
Returns to us the change,
Our shopping cart is piled sky-high
Just like a mountain range.
Polka Party
Papa plays accordion,
He oom-pas all day long.
Grandma starts in clapping,
And I, I sing a song.
Dancing two-four rhythms,
The “squeezebox” bellows blow.
Then grandma takes my hands,
And ‘round and ‘round we go!
Elbow Haiku
Clever human bone
Carefully concealed beneath
Surprise! An Elbow!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Humourous Attempt 2.0
Three Billy Goats Rrruff
"All set back there?" Mom called from the blue flowered couch in the family room.
"Almost," the girls answered between giggles.
Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater was about ready to begin its premier production of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, but the sisters couldn't find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet. The puppet theater had been a present from Uncle Joe when he came into town to visit the family earlier in the week. It was beautifully made, and even had a rainbow curtain and removable scenery to do a variety of puppet plays.
"Where did you see it last, Libby?" Gabby questioned angrily.
"Gabby, just because I'm younger doesn't mean I took the troll puppet! How do I know you didn't take it with you to a friend's house and leave it there!" Libby answered sadly.
Where could the puppet have gone? Even though Mom, Uncle Joe, and Granny were the only audience members, the sisters wanted to put on the best show ever. And everyone knows you can't perform the Three Billy Goats Gruff without the Mean 'Ol Troll.
"What's going on back there girls?" Mom asked over the bickering.
"We can't seem to find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet, and we need him for our play." Gabby said.
"Yeah, and I am getting all the blame," cried Libby.
"Well, girls," Uncle Joe began, "it looks as if we have a classic mystery here." Uncle Joe had a great way of creating excitement whenever he was around. "I'm sure it's around here somewhere. After all, it couldn't have just gotten up and walked away!"
"OOH!" cried Libby, "I'll get my detective gear." Libby disappeared into her bedroom, where she had lots and lots of cool costumes and accessories.
"Why don't we all help you girls look," said Granny.
After a few minutes, Libby returned looking like a super sleuth. "I'm all ready!"
Everyone laughed along with Libby and her silly costume. Then they began looking all around the living room. Pillows were pulled off the furniture and chairs were moved in case the puppet had been accidentally pushed underneath. But the family didn't have any luck.
"What we need to do is to look for clues," said Uncle Joe in a deep serious voice.
The girls laughed at Uncle Joe's dramatic dialogue, and began looking for clues. Libby even used her magnifying glass to search for hard to see clues. Everyone was starting to get frustrated, until Mom cried out, "Hey everyone, look what I found!" She was standing behind the puppet theater and holding a nylon dog bone in her hand like a trophy. "It was under one of the other puppets."
"Moose!" Everyone loudly exclaimed at once.
Just then a large chocolate lab pounced into the living room panting and chasing his tail.
"Moose, did YOU take the puppet, boy?" Uncle Joe asked the very excited dog.
"Rrruff! Moose answered and begged for a doggie treat.
"Show us where you took him, Moose!" Uncle Joe said as he enthusiastically pet the dog.
"Rrruff!" Moose replied and ran to the back bedroom with his tongue hanging. The family followed close behind. There in his dog bed was the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet covered in fur. It appeared Moose had made a trade: his bone for the puppet.
"Well look at that! Moose made a new friend!" Mom laughed.
"Rrruff!" Moose barked in reply.
"At least he didn't chew the puppet apart," said Granny.
"Hurray! Now we can finish our puppet show!" Gabby cheered.
The family returned to the living room, Mom gently cleaned off the hairy troll puppet, and the girls were finally ready to being the much anticipated show.
Then in their loudest stage voices, the girls sang, "Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater proudly presents: The Three Billy Goats..."
"Rrruff!" barked Moose.
Everyone laughed.
"All set back there?" Mom called from the blue flowered couch in the family room.
"Almost," the girls answered between giggles.
Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater was about ready to begin its premier production of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, but the sisters couldn't find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet. The puppet theater had been a present from Uncle Joe when he came into town to visit the family earlier in the week. It was beautifully made, and even had a rainbow curtain and removable scenery to do a variety of puppet plays.
"Where did you see it last, Libby?" Gabby questioned angrily.
"Gabby, just because I'm younger doesn't mean I took the troll puppet! How do I know you didn't take it with you to a friend's house and leave it there!" Libby answered sadly.
Where could the puppet have gone? Even though Mom, Uncle Joe, and Granny were the only audience members, the sisters wanted to put on the best show ever. And everyone knows you can't perform the Three Billy Goats Gruff without the Mean 'Ol Troll.
"What's going on back there girls?" Mom asked over the bickering.
"We can't seem to find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet, and we need him for our play." Gabby said.
"Yeah, and I am getting all the blame," cried Libby.
"Well, girls," Uncle Joe began, "it looks as if we have a classic mystery here." Uncle Joe had a great way of creating excitement whenever he was around. "I'm sure it's around here somewhere. After all, it couldn't have just gotten up and walked away!"
"OOH!" cried Libby, "I'll get my detective gear." Libby disappeared into her bedroom, where she had lots and lots of cool costumes and accessories.
"Why don't we all help you girls look," said Granny.
After a few minutes, Libby returned looking like a super sleuth. "I'm all ready!"
Everyone laughed along with Libby and her silly costume. Then they began looking all around the living room. Pillows were pulled off the furniture and chairs were moved in case the puppet had been accidentally pushed underneath. But the family didn't have any luck.
"What we need to do is to look for clues," said Uncle Joe in a deep serious voice.
The girls laughed at Uncle Joe's dramatic dialogue, and began looking for clues. Libby even used her magnifying glass to search for hard to see clues. Everyone was starting to get frustrated, until Mom cried out, "Hey everyone, look what I found!" She was standing behind the puppet theater and holding a nylon dog bone in her hand like a trophy. "It was under one of the other puppets."
"Moose!" Everyone loudly exclaimed at once.
Just then a large chocolate lab pounced into the living room panting and chasing his tail.
"Moose, did YOU take the puppet, boy?" Uncle Joe asked the very excited dog.
"Rrruff! Moose answered and begged for a doggie treat.
"Show us where you took him, Moose!" Uncle Joe said as he enthusiastically pet the dog.
"Rrruff!" Moose replied and ran to the back bedroom with his tongue hanging. The family followed close behind. There in his dog bed was the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet covered in fur. It appeared Moose had made a trade: his bone for the puppet.
"Well look at that! Moose made a new friend!" Mom laughed.
"Rrruff!" Moose barked in reply.
"At least he didn't chew the puppet apart," said Granny.
"Hurray! Now we can finish our puppet show!" Gabby cheered.
The family returned to the living room, Mom gently cleaned off the hairy troll puppet, and the girls were finally ready to being the much anticipated show.
Then in their loudest stage voices, the girls sang, "Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater proudly presents: The Three Billy Goats..."
"Rrruff!" barked Moose.
Everyone laughed.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
memorable quotes
My mother-in-law sent me an email the other day and asked me what I thought of the following quote:
"Seduction is subtler than possession and harder to fight"
She used "religion" in the same paragraph, but I had no recollection of that quote as scripture. So, before I replied to her email, I decided to research the quotes origins. According to multiple Google results, the above was a quote from the TV show Charmed.
I also was a bit confused in what context this quote would be uttered. For instance, does my MIL want my opinion on if someone uses seduction rather than possession? or Does my MIL want to know if I think religion can be seductive or possessive? Regardless, I looked up both words on dictionary.com in order to get a better idea of their unique definitions.
Seduction: The means of seducing; enticement; temptation
Possession: The state of being controlled
Now that I have dictionary definitions, I think I can proceed to give my thoughts.
My first thought is to state what I think is the obvious reply: The quote was simply dialogue for a show on TV; no more, no less. Quite often dialogue can be received as having more substance (like a deeper meaning) then when it was originally written. Some shows are more well crafted than others. However, not ever having seen the show, I cannot correctly illustrated the meaning behind the text.
My next thought is to look into the possibility of truth in the statement. Our society is constantly inundated with seductive marketing for food, clothing, and toys. Whether you are driving down the road and see a huge billboard with a cup of coffee or a woman smiling holding a degree from the University of Phoenix, or if you are reading a magazine in the dentist office and there are perfume ads with half naked people; seductive marketing is everywhere.
I remember as a kid my dad showing me a magazine ad for liquor. Inside the ice cubes were the skill and crossbones: the sign for poison. It was an odd ad, considering people thought the ad was subliminally encouraging them to purchase the ice cold liquor. I was a bit disappointed that ice cubes didn't automatically change into "poison" artwork when liquor was added to the glass. But I digress...
I believe that if you have an addictive personality, seduction can come in many destructive forms: drugs, cigarettes, sex, gambling, etc. The pull these addictions have on people are truly amazing. As an observer of someone that quite smoking, I am not surprised there are so many products out there to "help" those wanting to quit. It's almost impossible to ignore the cravings (which are chemical and psychological), and most often the addiction is replaced by another substance.
Of course we cannot avoid seductive ads, nor can we lock ourselves away from any evil of the world. However, being aware is crucial.
Now onto possession. In my personal study of the Bible, there are a variety of interpretations when the word: possession comes into play. Many believe Satan (or one of his many demonic minions) are able to possess us. I don't believe this to be true, but lets just say it is truth. If you are possessed you are void of the ability to stop yourself from what the possessor wants from you. And of course seduction is subtler, since it is in many subliminal messages. However, I can't imagine how being possessed would be easier to fight.
But lets look at possession in a different way. If one is possessed, by definition, one is not able to make any decision. Therefore, one cannot even begin to fight the possession. I suppose if you believe in the possibility of demon possession, you probably find merit in exorcism. One that is possessed could be eliminated of the possession by means of the exorcist. In that sense, it is MUCH easier to be relieved of a possession then getting constantly seduced by life.
I do believe in people getting brainwashed, which I suppose is a form of possession. In this case, brainwashing can take place in religious organizations. It has been suggested (from people and online sites) that the Jehovah Witnesses are a cult. That they are brainwashing their Bible students and those baptized in the faith. Since I am currently studying with my friend, Bonnie, I can assure people that the Witnesses aren't a cult. They are a very intelligent group of people that are extremely dedicated to their relationship with God and helping others see the truth. The truth is what they believe to be the truth; as they see the scriptures describing. However, at no point do I see "cult-like" behavior from the Witnesses. I have been to the Kingdom Hall on a Sunday, a Tuesday and for the Memorial Dinner (their once a year observance of Jesus's Last Supper). In all three cases I saw people who were encouraged to study, who were encouraged to have opinions, and who seemed extremely "normal" in appearance and presentation.
With all that said, I truly don't think this quote is viable. I don't believe in witches (yes, there might be people who THINK they are witches and warlocks), and I also don't believe in possession (unless it is brainwashing). I think that the quote is just a silly dialogue moment that is meant for the characters in Charmed. But maybe someone else out there has a better response. I am hoping for comments here!
"Seduction is subtler than possession and harder to fight"
She used "religion" in the same paragraph, but I had no recollection of that quote as scripture. So, before I replied to her email, I decided to research the quotes origins. According to multiple Google results, the above was a quote from the TV show Charmed.
I also was a bit confused in what context this quote would be uttered. For instance, does my MIL want my opinion on if someone uses seduction rather than possession? or Does my MIL want to know if I think religion can be seductive or possessive? Regardless, I looked up both words on dictionary.com in order to get a better idea of their unique definitions.
Seduction: The means of seducing; enticement; temptation
Possession: The state of being controlled
Now that I have dictionary definitions, I think I can proceed to give my thoughts.
My first thought is to state what I think is the obvious reply: The quote was simply dialogue for a show on TV; no more, no less. Quite often dialogue can be received as having more substance (like a deeper meaning) then when it was originally written. Some shows are more well crafted than others. However, not ever having seen the show, I cannot correctly illustrated the meaning behind the text.
My next thought is to look into the possibility of truth in the statement. Our society is constantly inundated with seductive marketing for food, clothing, and toys. Whether you are driving down the road and see a huge billboard with a cup of coffee or a woman smiling holding a degree from the University of Phoenix, or if you are reading a magazine in the dentist office and there are perfume ads with half naked people; seductive marketing is everywhere.
I remember as a kid my dad showing me a magazine ad for liquor. Inside the ice cubes were the skill and crossbones: the sign for poison. It was an odd ad, considering people thought the ad was subliminally encouraging them to purchase the ice cold liquor. I was a bit disappointed that ice cubes didn't automatically change into "poison" artwork when liquor was added to the glass. But I digress...
I believe that if you have an addictive personality, seduction can come in many destructive forms: drugs, cigarettes, sex, gambling, etc. The pull these addictions have on people are truly amazing. As an observer of someone that quite smoking, I am not surprised there are so many products out there to "help" those wanting to quit. It's almost impossible to ignore the cravings (which are chemical and psychological), and most often the addiction is replaced by another substance.
Of course we cannot avoid seductive ads, nor can we lock ourselves away from any evil of the world. However, being aware is crucial.
Now onto possession. In my personal study of the Bible, there are a variety of interpretations when the word: possession comes into play. Many believe Satan (or one of his many demonic minions) are able to possess us. I don't believe this to be true, but lets just say it is truth. If you are possessed you are void of the ability to stop yourself from what the possessor wants from you. And of course seduction is subtler, since it is in many subliminal messages. However, I can't imagine how being possessed would be easier to fight.
But lets look at possession in a different way. If one is possessed, by definition, one is not able to make any decision. Therefore, one cannot even begin to fight the possession. I suppose if you believe in the possibility of demon possession, you probably find merit in exorcism. One that is possessed could be eliminated of the possession by means of the exorcist. In that sense, it is MUCH easier to be relieved of a possession then getting constantly seduced by life.
I do believe in people getting brainwashed, which I suppose is a form of possession. In this case, brainwashing can take place in religious organizations. It has been suggested (from people and online sites) that the Jehovah Witnesses are a cult. That they are brainwashing their Bible students and those baptized in the faith. Since I am currently studying with my friend, Bonnie, I can assure people that the Witnesses aren't a cult. They are a very intelligent group of people that are extremely dedicated to their relationship with God and helping others see the truth. The truth is what they believe to be the truth; as they see the scriptures describing. However, at no point do I see "cult-like" behavior from the Witnesses. I have been to the Kingdom Hall on a Sunday, a Tuesday and for the Memorial Dinner (their once a year observance of Jesus's Last Supper). In all three cases I saw people who were encouraged to study, who were encouraged to have opinions, and who seemed extremely "normal" in appearance and presentation.
With all that said, I truly don't think this quote is viable. I don't believe in witches (yes, there might be people who THINK they are witches and warlocks), and I also don't believe in possession (unless it is brainwashing). I think that the quote is just a silly dialogue moment that is meant for the characters in Charmed. But maybe someone else out there has a better response. I am hoping for comments here!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
a case for blood
I think the best way to share today's study with Bonnie, would be to describe the illustration directly from the "What Does the Bible Really Teach" book. I searched online, but this was about as close to the original image as I could find.

I suppose I need to describe the reason there was an image of alcohol (i.e. booze) in an IV tube attached to a patient.
According to the Bible (the Jehovah Witness belief), we should not consume blood. Such scriptures are found in Genesis, Leviticus and Acts. We must also acknowledge that a blood transfusion is consuming another person's blood. The Witnesses believe that blood is the life force of a person (i.e. their DNA not a spirit), and we shouldn't take another person's life force. This idea of a person's identity represented by blood or DNA is still a bit unsettling to me. I am still having issues with there not being energy as a spirit. But that is another blog for another day.
The idea of drinking blood and an IV of blood was compared to someone who was told not to drink alcohol. Would it be okay for that person to have the alcohol given intravenously? No. Of course not. Of course I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the picture.
I have been given a publication and a DVD to further study the importance of blood. I will continue to study this point further. I may not agree with EVERYTHING the Witnesses have to teach, but what if blood really isn't the best option for surgery or in a pinch.
However, I did ask Bonnie about an organ transplant. Because, as I stated in an earlier blog, there would be blood in the organ. Bonnie stated that she personally wouldn't have a transplant, because of that point. But she said there are bloodless hospitals that might have methods of transplant that she would be comfortable with. This idea of a bloodless hospital is VERY interesting to me. After all, if your faith and beliefs tell you NOT to consume blood, I believe you must also not consume anything with blood in it.
Bonnie did comment on the eating of meat (i.e. a steak that has juices in it). Truthfully I would think most Witnesses to be vegetarians, just to be on the safe side. But Bonnie said as long as the animal is bled properly, the steak would be fine to eat. I honestly think there is too much "walking the line" on this subject.
So I continue with my quest to find the truth about blood. However, I am reminded that Jesus had to give his blood (i.e. die) to save another person or persons (i.e. us). If we give blood, are we saving another person's life? Are we playing God?

I suppose I need to describe the reason there was an image of alcohol (i.e. booze) in an IV tube attached to a patient.
According to the Bible (the Jehovah Witness belief), we should not consume blood. Such scriptures are found in Genesis, Leviticus and Acts. We must also acknowledge that a blood transfusion is consuming another person's blood. The Witnesses believe that blood is the life force of a person (i.e. their DNA not a spirit), and we shouldn't take another person's life force. This idea of a person's identity represented by blood or DNA is still a bit unsettling to me. I am still having issues with there not being energy as a spirit. But that is another blog for another day.
The idea of drinking blood and an IV of blood was compared to someone who was told not to drink alcohol. Would it be okay for that person to have the alcohol given intravenously? No. Of course not. Of course I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the picture.
I have been given a publication and a DVD to further study the importance of blood. I will continue to study this point further. I may not agree with EVERYTHING the Witnesses have to teach, but what if blood really isn't the best option for surgery or in a pinch.
However, I did ask Bonnie about an organ transplant. Because, as I stated in an earlier blog, there would be blood in the organ. Bonnie stated that she personally wouldn't have a transplant, because of that point. But she said there are bloodless hospitals that might have methods of transplant that she would be comfortable with. This idea of a bloodless hospital is VERY interesting to me. After all, if your faith and beliefs tell you NOT to consume blood, I believe you must also not consume anything with blood in it.
Bonnie did comment on the eating of meat (i.e. a steak that has juices in it). Truthfully I would think most Witnesses to be vegetarians, just to be on the safe side. But Bonnie said as long as the animal is bled properly, the steak would be fine to eat. I honestly think there is too much "walking the line" on this subject.
So I continue with my quest to find the truth about blood. However, I am reminded that Jesus had to give his blood (i.e. die) to save another person or persons (i.e. us). If we give blood, are we saving another person's life? Are we playing God?
Friday, August 6, 2010
a question of blood
Please click here to read the full story of The Jehovah Witness beliefs on blood.
For many weeks now I am reminded of what I don't like about the Jehovah Witness "truth". One of those things is their beliefs on blood.
There are three main parts to the "blood" beliefs.
1) Blood is sacred to Jehovah. It is life. It can only be used to atonement of sins.
Okay, I get it. Blood is our special life force. However, the Witnesses get blood tests and have surgeries. In the surgeries they don't accept blood, but they lose blood I'm sure. So according to Jehovah's word we must save the blood for him, but what about testing it (removing a set amount) and surgeries (in which loss of blood is eminent)?
2) Blood must not be eaten.
Okay, again...makes sense. But are we EATING blood when we get a transfusion? It's not like we are being all vampire on the stuff. And we are taking care of our bodies, which were given by Jehovah. If He would be okay with testing the blood or surgeries to save our lives, why not blood to sustain our lives?
3) Blood must be properly disposed.
And as a society, we do properly bleed our animals. I wonder if the Witnesses eat kosher or halal meat, which is blessed too. Hell, why not do away with meat all together!
So are the rest of us "Christians" or "Jews" or "Muslims" totally missing this scripture in the Bible. After all two of the three scriptures are in the Old Testament, Hebrew, or Tanak versions of the Bible.
Genesis 9:3-4; Leviticus 17:13-14; Acts 15:28-29 are the verses that Jehovah's Witnesses reference from when stating they won't take transfusions. But in all honesty the scriptures only speak of EATING the blood.
Bonnie and I will be discussing more about this topic on Wednesday, but I will definitely be bringing up organ transplants. If blood is an organ, and blood travels through organs...why do Jehovah's Witnesses accept organ donations?
For many weeks now I am reminded of what I don't like about the Jehovah Witness "truth". One of those things is their beliefs on blood.
There are three main parts to the "blood" beliefs.
1) Blood is sacred to Jehovah. It is life. It can only be used to atonement of sins.
Okay, I get it. Blood is our special life force. However, the Witnesses get blood tests and have surgeries. In the surgeries they don't accept blood, but they lose blood I'm sure. So according to Jehovah's word we must save the blood for him, but what about testing it (removing a set amount) and surgeries (in which loss of blood is eminent)?
2) Blood must not be eaten.
Okay, again...makes sense. But are we EATING blood when we get a transfusion? It's not like we are being all vampire on the stuff. And we are taking care of our bodies, which were given by Jehovah. If He would be okay with testing the blood or surgeries to save our lives, why not blood to sustain our lives?
3) Blood must be properly disposed.
And as a society, we do properly bleed our animals. I wonder if the Witnesses eat kosher or halal meat, which is blessed too. Hell, why not do away with meat all together!
So are the rest of us "Christians" or "Jews" or "Muslims" totally missing this scripture in the Bible. After all two of the three scriptures are in the Old Testament, Hebrew, or Tanak versions of the Bible.
Genesis 9:3-4; Leviticus 17:13-14; Acts 15:28-29 are the verses that Jehovah's Witnesses reference from when stating they won't take transfusions. But in all honesty the scriptures only speak of EATING the blood.
Bonnie and I will be discussing more about this topic on Wednesday, but I will definitely be bringing up organ transplants. If blood is an organ, and blood travels through organs...why do Jehovah's Witnesses accept organ donations?
Humourous Attempt 1.0
Three Billy Goats Rrruff
"All set back there?" Mom called from the plaid couch in the family room.
"Almost," the girls answered between giggles.
Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater was about ready to begin its production of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, but the sisters couldn't find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet. The puppet theater had been a present from Uncle Joe when he came into town to visit the family earlier in the week. It was beautifully made, and even had a rainbow curtain and removable scenery to do a variety of puppet plays.
"Where did you see it last, Libby?" Gabby questioned angrily.
"Gabby, just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I took the troll puppet! For all I know, you took it with you to the library and left it there!" Libby answered sadly.
Where could the troll puppet have gone? Even though Mom, Uncle Joe, and Granny were the only audience members, the sisters wanted to put on the best show ever. And everyone knows you can't perform the Three Billy Goats Gruff without the Mean 'Ol Troll.
"What's going on back there girls?" Mom asked over the commotion from the girls.
"We can't seem to find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet, and we need him for the play." Gabby said.
"Yeah, and of course I am getting the blame," cried Libby.
"Well, girls," Uncle Joe began, "it looks as if we have a mystery here." Uncle Joe had a great way of creating excitement whenever he was around.
"OOH!" cried Libby, "I'll get my detective gear."
"We'll all help you girls look," said Granny.
Libby returned looking like a super sleuth. "I'm all ready!"
Everyone laughed along with Libby and her silly costume. Then they began looking all around the living room. Pillows were pulled off the furniture and chairs were moved in case the puppet had been accidentally pushed underneath. But the family didn't have any luck.
"What we need to do is to look for clues," said Uncle Joe in a deep serious voice.
The girls laughed at Uncle Joe's dramatic dialogue, and began looking for clues. Everyone was starting to get frustrated, until Mom said, "Hey everyone, look what I found!" She was behind the puppet theater and holding a dog bone like a trophy. "It was under one of the billy goat puppets."
"Moose!" Everyone loudly exclaimed at once.
Just then a large chocolate lab pounced into the living room panting and chasing his tail.
"Moose, where is the puppet boy?" Uncle Joe asked the very excited dog.
"Rrruff!" Moose replied and ran to the back bedroom with his tongue hanging. The family followed close behind. There in his dog bed was the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet covered in fur.
"Well look at that! Moose made a new friend!" Mom laughed.
"At least he didn't chew the puppet apart," said Granny.
"Hurray! Now we can finish our puppet show!" Gabby cheered.
The family returned to the living room and the girls began their puppet show.
In their loudest stage voices, the girls sang, "Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater proudly presents: The Three Billy Goats..."
"Rrruff!" barked Moose.
Everyone laughed.
"All set back there?" Mom called from the plaid couch in the family room.
"Almost," the girls answered between giggles.
Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater was about ready to begin its production of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, but the sisters couldn't find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet. The puppet theater had been a present from Uncle Joe when he came into town to visit the family earlier in the week. It was beautifully made, and even had a rainbow curtain and removable scenery to do a variety of puppet plays.
"Where did you see it last, Libby?" Gabby questioned angrily.
"Gabby, just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I took the troll puppet! For all I know, you took it with you to the library and left it there!" Libby answered sadly.
Where could the troll puppet have gone? Even though Mom, Uncle Joe, and Granny were the only audience members, the sisters wanted to put on the best show ever. And everyone knows you can't perform the Three Billy Goats Gruff without the Mean 'Ol Troll.
"What's going on back there girls?" Mom asked over the commotion from the girls.
"We can't seem to find the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet, and we need him for the play." Gabby said.
"Yeah, and of course I am getting the blame," cried Libby.
"Well, girls," Uncle Joe began, "it looks as if we have a mystery here." Uncle Joe had a great way of creating excitement whenever he was around.
"OOH!" cried Libby, "I'll get my detective gear."
"We'll all help you girls look," said Granny.
Libby returned looking like a super sleuth. "I'm all ready!"
Everyone laughed along with Libby and her silly costume. Then they began looking all around the living room. Pillows were pulled off the furniture and chairs were moved in case the puppet had been accidentally pushed underneath. But the family didn't have any luck.
"What we need to do is to look for clues," said Uncle Joe in a deep serious voice.
The girls laughed at Uncle Joe's dramatic dialogue, and began looking for clues. Everyone was starting to get frustrated, until Mom said, "Hey everyone, look what I found!" She was behind the puppet theater and holding a dog bone like a trophy. "It was under one of the billy goat puppets."
"Moose!" Everyone loudly exclaimed at once.
Just then a large chocolate lab pounced into the living room panting and chasing his tail.
"Moose, where is the puppet boy?" Uncle Joe asked the very excited dog.
"Rrruff!" Moose replied and ran to the back bedroom with his tongue hanging. The family followed close behind. There in his dog bed was the Mean 'Ol Troll puppet covered in fur.
"Well look at that! Moose made a new friend!" Mom laughed.
"At least he didn't chew the puppet apart," said Granny.
"Hurray! Now we can finish our puppet show!" Gabby cheered.
The family returned to the living room and the girls began their puppet show.
In their loudest stage voices, the girls sang, "Gabby and Libby's Amazing Puppet Theater proudly presents: The Three Billy Goats..."
"Rrruff!" barked Moose.
Everyone laughed.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
simple doesn't mean stupid
When I think of a simple person, I think of one that is ignorant, foolish, or gullible. But what if I said Jesus was a simple man?
I went to the Kingdom Hall last night for their Tuesday night meeting. The first hour was a book study on "Come Be My Follower," which of course is a Jehovah Witness publication. However, the study last night was the section about what Jesus preached.
Of course most Christians can tell you that Jesus preached of his kingdom, but how was he able to do this? By keeping the right focus. Jesus never allowed himself to get side-tracked with life's problems (or as we call it THE WORLD). Jehovah's Kingdom was Jesus's focus, and his message was made clear and simple.
1 Timothy 4:16 (The Message)
15-16Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don't be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation.
Do we immerse ourselves with Jehovah's teachings? Do we get distracted due to life and worldly things? Do we let man-made doctrines and traditions cloud our learning and teaching of scripture? These were all questions that were discussed in full last night.
God wants our complete devotion. How can we possibly give him our exclusive devotion if we are not living a more simple life? And simple is NOT stupid.
I have heard the saying, "Those who can't: Teach." That can't be farther from the truth, at least if you are a GOOD teacher. Teaching others is a challenge, especially when you are trying to teach them at their level. That is what Jesus was doing. He told stories (parables), he gave sermons, and he talked to people in a way they could relate. He didn't lose focus of the Kingdom, and he had a clear and simple way of illustrating the Kingdom to the masses.
It was a "wow" moment when I heard the word "simple" used to describe Jesus. I now have a very different opinion of what is simple and/or stupid.
I plan on continuing contemplation regarding the idea of simplicity in religion and in all aspects of my life.
I went to the Kingdom Hall last night for their Tuesday night meeting. The first hour was a book study on "Come Be My Follower," which of course is a Jehovah Witness publication. However, the study last night was the section about what Jesus preached.
Of course most Christians can tell you that Jesus preached of his kingdom, but how was he able to do this? By keeping the right focus. Jesus never allowed himself to get side-tracked with life's problems (or as we call it THE WORLD). Jehovah's Kingdom was Jesus's focus, and his message was made clear and simple.
1 Timothy 4:16 (The Message)
15-16Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don't be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation.
Do we immerse ourselves with Jehovah's teachings? Do we get distracted due to life and worldly things? Do we let man-made doctrines and traditions cloud our learning and teaching of scripture? These were all questions that were discussed in full last night.
God wants our complete devotion. How can we possibly give him our exclusive devotion if we are not living a more simple life? And simple is NOT stupid.
I have heard the saying, "Those who can't: Teach." That can't be farther from the truth, at least if you are a GOOD teacher. Teaching others is a challenge, especially when you are trying to teach them at their level. That is what Jesus was doing. He told stories (parables), he gave sermons, and he talked to people in a way they could relate. He didn't lose focus of the Kingdom, and he had a clear and simple way of illustrating the Kingdom to the masses.
It was a "wow" moment when I heard the word "simple" used to describe Jesus. I now have a very different opinion of what is simple and/or stupid.
I plan on continuing contemplation regarding the idea of simplicity in religion and in all aspects of my life.
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