My mother-in-law sent me an email the other day and asked me what I thought of the following quote:
"Seduction is subtler than possession and harder to fight"
She used "religion" in the same paragraph, but I had no recollection of that quote as scripture. So, before I replied to her email, I decided to research the quotes origins. According to multiple Google results, the above was a quote from the TV show Charmed.
I also was a bit confused in what context this quote would be uttered. For instance, does my MIL want my opinion on if someone uses seduction rather than possession? or Does my MIL want to know if I think religion can be seductive or possessive? Regardless, I looked up both words on in order to get a better idea of their unique definitions.
Seduction: The means of seducing; enticement; temptation
Possession: The state of being controlled
Now that I have dictionary definitions, I think I can proceed to give my thoughts.
My first thought is to state what I think is the obvious reply: The quote was simply dialogue for a show on TV; no more, no less. Quite often dialogue can be received as having more substance (like a deeper meaning) then when it was originally written. Some shows are more well crafted than others. However, not ever having seen the show, I cannot correctly illustrated the meaning behind the text.
My next thought is to look into the possibility of truth in the statement. Our society is constantly inundated with seductive marketing for food, clothing, and toys. Whether you are driving down the road and see a huge billboard with a cup of coffee or a woman smiling holding a degree from the University of Phoenix, or if you are reading a magazine in the dentist office and there are perfume ads with half naked people; seductive marketing is everywhere.
I remember as a kid my dad showing me a magazine ad for liquor. Inside the ice cubes were the skill and crossbones: the sign for poison. It was an odd ad, considering people thought the ad was subliminally encouraging them to purchase the ice cold liquor. I was a bit disappointed that ice cubes didn't automatically change into "poison" artwork when liquor was added to the glass. But I digress...
I believe that if you have an addictive personality, seduction can come in many destructive forms: drugs, cigarettes, sex, gambling, etc. The pull these addictions have on people are truly amazing. As an observer of someone that quite smoking, I am not surprised there are so many products out there to "help" those wanting to quit. It's almost impossible to ignore the cravings (which are chemical and psychological), and most often the addiction is replaced by another substance.
Of course we cannot avoid seductive ads, nor can we lock ourselves away from any evil of the world. However, being aware is crucial.
Now onto possession. In my personal study of the Bible, there are a variety of interpretations when the word: possession comes into play. Many believe Satan (or one of his many demonic minions) are able to possess us. I don't believe this to be true, but lets just say it is truth. If you are possessed you are void of the ability to stop yourself from what the possessor wants from you. And of course seduction is subtler, since it is in many subliminal messages. However, I can't imagine how being possessed would be easier to fight.
But lets look at possession in a different way. If one is possessed, by definition, one is not able to make any decision. Therefore, one cannot even begin to fight the possession. I suppose if you believe in the possibility of demon possession, you probably find merit in exorcism. One that is possessed could be eliminated of the possession by means of the exorcist. In that sense, it is MUCH easier to be relieved of a possession then getting constantly seduced by life.
I do believe in people getting brainwashed, which I suppose is a form of possession. In this case, brainwashing can take place in religious organizations. It has been suggested (from people and online sites) that the Jehovah Witnesses are a cult. That they are brainwashing their Bible students and those baptized in the faith. Since I am currently studying with my friend, Bonnie, I can assure people that the Witnesses aren't a cult. They are a very intelligent group of people that are extremely dedicated to their relationship with God and helping others see the truth. The truth is what they believe to be the truth; as they see the scriptures describing. However, at no point do I see "cult-like" behavior from the Witnesses. I have been to the Kingdom Hall on a Sunday, a Tuesday and for the Memorial Dinner (their once a year observance of Jesus's Last Supper). In all three cases I saw people who were encouraged to study, who were encouraged to have opinions, and who seemed extremely "normal" in appearance and presentation.
With all that said, I truly don't think this quote is viable. I don't believe in witches (yes, there might be people who THINK they are witches and warlocks), and I also don't believe in possession (unless it is brainwashing). I think that the quote is just a silly dialogue moment that is meant for the characters in Charmed. But maybe someone else out there has a better response. I am hoping for comments here!
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