Earlier this year, I worked and reworked a manuscript that I have been working on for almost two years now. I posted a blog about it back in April: The Tra La La Tree. After posting the blog I began sending it out to a variety of publishing companies.
As expected, it was not picked up by any of the first round of submissions. I began round two of the manuscript submissions. I also wrote a few short stories during this time, and submitted them to Christian monthly publications. The Invitation, Three Billy Goats Grrruff, The Green-Eyed Monster, and Poetry are the writings which kept me busy throughout the summer months.
Then I read two books this fall that were published by independent (less-known) companies. The one that stood out was Zoe Life Publishing (Zoe...just like my daughter's name). So I made color copies of the illustrations for Tra La La Tree and sent the entire manuscript to both companies. I don't consider myself an artist, just someone that likes to draw. I also had this image of the tree...a specific idea...and I was afraid that an illustrator would not be able to effectively produce my imagination.
So off my manuscript went. Then seven weeks ago I came home to a phone message from Dr. Adams from Zoe Life Publishing. They loved my manuscript. YES! All the work finally paid off! I phoned her back, and left a message. I was impressed with the lovely answering system they had, and the lovely message was very sweet and Christ-focused. But I did not hear back. Two days later I called again, thinking that maybe I should leave my cell phone number too. Left another message. Two weeks later I phoned yet again, this time hoping to get an actual person. No dice. Another message left.
This passed Saturday, November 27th (coincidentally my mom's birthday), I wrote an email to Zoe Life Publishing. Mainly because I really want closure with this unsettling incident. I just feel like I was told a cruel joke, or at least there was zero respect for my emotions regarding the manuscript. After all, my writing has always been a piece of my heart. Here is what I wrote:
To Whom It Concerns:
I submitted my manuscript, "The Tra La La Tree," to Zoe Publishing a few months ago.
I also heard, via phone message, from Dr. Adams regarding interest in the above mentioned manuscript.
Since then I have returned this phone message a couple times hoping to contact Dr. Adams to further discuss my manuscript. Unfortunately this has not happened.
If you are still interested in speaking to me regarding my manuscript, please contact me at:
313-XXX-XXXX (home phone)
313-XXX-XXXX (cell phone)
XXXXX12@gmail.com (email address)
I would also appreciate if you have changed your mind, if you could let me know that as well.
Thank you for your time.
So you can understand my surprise when I received the following shortly after sending my email:
Hi Michelle:
Our offices are closed for the holiday and will be re opening on Monday. I will also give you a call at the time. Thanks for following up.
But now it is Thursday, and I have not heard a word. Do I email back? Do I just realize that people are not what they seem?
At what point does patience become pointless? I think I have hit the point that patience is not longer the acceptable behavior needed for this situation. Sigh.
1 comment:
What a drag! I'd want closure so I'd probably send another email early next week. Although even if they're still interested I'd wonder about working with them with your experience so far!
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