Call me ca-ray-zee, but I cannot imagine using e-readers, EVER! Sorry nook and kindle users...even you color nook folks.
I suppose one thing positive I can say about the e-readers is: they are convenient. My best friend, Joe, uses one. He travels for the government, and would be bogged down in baggage if he was carting books back and forth. I also can see the convenience for elderly readers that need larger print. With very little effort, all books can become larger on the screen. Many of our older book club members use an e-reader for this reason alone. The ebooks are also cheaper (I was able to purchase 31 Days to Clean for under $5). And the big one: we are saving our earth's resources. Reading from an e-reader eliminates the need to print a book, and therefore, saves trees in the process.
I really do understand the above, but alas, I cannot make the conversion. I wonder if this would be comparable to when the automobile was available at the time of horse and buggies. People probably thought the "horseless carriage" would become a passing fancy, and only a toy.
To be completely honest, I don't really feel that an e-reader is for me. I love books. Pretty much everything about them. I like to dog-ear (I know...for shame) the pages, add little notes in the margins, use sticky notes to remind myself to research the topic further, and hold the paper in my hands. There is also an almost satisfying euphoria when I go to the bookstore and/or the library. Especially if they also offer coffee. My two favorite smells are books and coffee. HEAVEN!
So today I decided I needed to print 31 Days to Clean, because May 1st is tomorrow. It wasn't a very long e-book (70-some-odd-pages), and I did feel a bit guilty when I was printing it (saving a tree, another item to organize, etc.). However, now I can write on the pages, add sticky notes, dog-ear the pages....
I feel the exact same way. I need the paper in my hands. I need to turn the pages. Reading words on a screen has never felt right to me.
Me too! Haven't ordered the ebook yet because I dread printing it out...but have to :) Online reading is for blogs; tactile reading is for books!
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