Friday, January 13, 2012

First 10 in the 100 Days Calendar

Yesterday marked the 10th day in the 100 Days Calendar.  If you are interested in learning more about the 100 Days Calendar, click on the link above.  The 100 Days Calendar is a gift from Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts.

Each day I am to do the following three items:

1) To Write
Blog, Send a card/letter, Story/Article, or compose on piano

2) Gift:
Follow 29 days of gifts:
Find Joy in at least 2 things and add them to my phone App

3) Health:
Eat right, exercise, take care of my physical and mental health

I am energized by completing these three daily tasks.  I never gave myself a set amount of time I needed to write, so even if it is a simple letter or card to a friend that task is completed.  With health I am a bit ambiguous.  For instance, yesterday I called the doctor to set up a check up and to discuss a few issues I am concerned about.  I didn't exercise, but I did manage to eat healthy, so I accomplished the goal.  I also have been sticking to the 29 gifts journey.  I am excited each day for a new idea and gift to give.

I am still reading One Thousand Gifts, but I definitely love the way the author encourages the reader to taste, feel and experience her small but powerful JOYS.  I cannot wait to see where I am 10 days from now!

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