It has been over a month since I last updated regarding my religious journey: Finding My Religion so I thought I'd give you a brief update.
These last few weeks have been so hectic with work and family matters that I have completely adored my Sundays off. There is something so liberating with approaching Sunday morning with joy rather than anticipated anxiety. I simply have no desire to return to that way of approaching church, so Jim and I have begun to look towards the future and where we might be happy and comfortable to worship.
The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back
I mentioned that the Rummage Sale at the church was a final straw in the frustration I was feeling towards our church. However, the final straw was finding out the Board of Education hired a Sunday School teacher. The problem? I am a member of the board, the chairperson in fact. At our last meeting in August, I told the Superintendent of Sunday School that I was not going to teach Sunday School this year. The other board member (yes, there were only 2 of us) was leaving the church, so I suggested finding a young college student to teach the children each week. Then my family decided to not attend church until after the disaster of the Rummage Sale, and next thing I know the "board" hired a new teacher. A phone call to the other member (my dear friend, Rachel) confirmed that the teacher had been hired by the Superintendent and Minister, not the Board of Education.
I immediately contacted the Superintendent. She had no idea she had done wrong. This poor communication was the last straw for me. It sealed my desire to move along to another church. And that is just what we are going to do.
The Grass is Always Greener
I sincerely know that my desire to find something better might not be so simple. Jim and I have become quite comfortable in our traditional yet forward-thinking church. The United Church of Christ is one of inclusion, not at all like the institution of my past. However, many traditional churches are going through pains of their own, and honestly I do not want to leave one problem to go to another. Mostly it is a case of the older parishioners wanting things to stay the same. We also want a parish that offers a variety of activities for our children. The ladybugs are at the ages now that having "more" offerings is important to us.
Yes, they get a Christ-centered education at school, but having Sunday School or activities for group fun is missing at our current parish. Okay, they have Sunday School with two other children. Yes, folks, the Sunday School is now dwindled to a meager 4 children when our ladybugs attend. But there is nothing during the week that other churches offer. I am not saying that my children would want to join a children's choir, or bell choir, or youth group, or Bible study, but having it as an option would suggest the church is focused on children and therefore: families.
When Jim and were looking for a parish over 7 years ago, we only had an infant: Zoe. There was a small Sunday School class at Dearborn Congregational and a very charismatic minister. We loved the warm people, and there were a few families we enjoyed sharing fellowship. However, those families no longer attend, and the mindset of most of the congregation is: STAY THE SAME SO WE HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK SO WE HAVE A CHURCH UNTIL WE DIE. Did I mention the church has $250,000 in the bank to which they don't want to do anything with? So sad to see a slow death...
Even if the Grass is a Bit Yellow
Seriously, we are ready to find another place to worship; even if that means not having everything we want. What I am hoping for is for our girls to feel included and loved, and to find a place that focuses on families. Where will this be? Time will tell. However, I am not sure I feel like jumping into becoming a member somewhere yet. Maybe just enjoying being a parishioner for awhile. Jim and I have agreed to continue our tenure on the boards in which we reside. This means after December 31st we are done.
I suppose we all have breaking points, and no amount of prayer or meditation will change my mind about where I am at in this situation.
Random Question for Future Blog: Why if One Believes in God Do People Assume One is Christian?
Your opinions are greatly appreciated!
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