I came into work early this morning, with the intent of getting more accomplished than I managed to do over the weekend. I sincerely found myself avoiding doing work for school this weekend, and I imagine you will laugh when I tell you what I did instead.
Avoidance on an Epic Level
On Saturdays I teach pretty much the entire time the sun is up; well at least at this time of year. So when I finished at 4:35pm I was unable to even put together a sentence. This happens when my brain has been "on" for 8 hours. A little Sims on the XBox while the girls were playing outside and Jim was making dinner? SURE! Then Uncle Joe came over, and well who can do work when Uncle Joe is over? Not me!
Yesterday morning I got up early (7:30 is early for a Sunday), and made cherry scones with Zoe. I am consciously trying to do things that are just Mommy & Zoe time. Evie has my undivided attention on Tuesdays and Thursdays because she does not have school. Zoe has not had Mommy alone time in a LONG LONG time. So make a cognizant effort is definitely the most important.
Evie joined her Daddy for a date at the grocery store, so Zoe and I had more time together. She also was able to pull her own loose tooth out, which was bitter sweet for my Mommy heart.
Then we met the inlaws for lunch a Panera. Can't do work while you are at lunch, right? But then I had this brilliant idea: ORGANIZE THE LADYBUG'S TOY CLOSET! Yup! Why not? So off to Target we went and I purchased a shelf and an under-the-bed storage box. I also picked up a shoe organizer for our closet. Why not? Just one more activity to NOT work.
So I cleaned, built, purged, and organized the heck out of the toy closet. It was in such need of this, but I really didn't HAVE to do it yesterday. Of course at the time I was so motivated to NOT work, that the closet seemed to be the most important thing on my agenda.
By the time I completed all the activities I created for myself, I was pooped. So what better way to regain energy? Coffee and a rereading of Life of Pi. I loved Life of Pi when I initially read it years ago. The movie is coming out soon, so I thought a rereading would be beneficial. After my regaining of energy time out, I had a yummy quiche and time with the family. But why let it end there? So the evening was spent enjoying my family, and once again avoiding the inevitable: doing work for school.
Now Where Does That Leave Me?
So now I am at school and I was mostly successful in getting my needed work done. I turned in my grades, I made copies of the brass family handouts, I planned for the week ahead, and now I'm taking a blog break.
But I'm wondering how often I create projects to avoid the real problem. I acknowledged this avoidance yesterday, but how often do I subconsciously create a project to avoid what really needs to be done? And my brain likes order, so maybe I organize and create order to avoid the mess of life. I am meditating on the possibility of this brain conversation:
Problem: Too many dishes to wash?
Solution: Why not catalog all the music into binders and dividers?
Problem: Too big to fit into your favorite pants?
Solution: Why not clean and organize the pantry?
Problem: Too many clothes to wash and fold and put away?
Solution: Why not paint the door to the music studio?
Maybe, just maybe, our brain creates opportunities to feel safe and secure ultimately creating a much less stressful environment. Or maybe this is just my coping mechanism. We ALL have them. Some use drugs, some alcohol, some avoid life all together. So what if my coping skill is organization? Right? At least my house looks good.
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