I decided yesterday that I personally needed a reboot. What exactly does that mean? Well, as my readers know we left our church at the end of last year and now our magical school is closing its doors (it is now official).
Still Life With Autumn Fruits Jullian Merrow-Smith |
Home Life
Our Zoebug is still in therapy for her anxieties and worries. Over the weekend Jim and I shared the news of the school closing with our girls and Zoe sighed and said, "okay, where are we going then?" She was very excited to hear the idea of an adventure (thank you Dana!!!), and I said that I was really proud of her reaction. She said, "It is therapy, Mom, I really think it is because of therapy!"
Little Evabug is still my sweetpea. She is quite upset with the move to a new school, but we have started to attend the church next to the school and many of her Kindergarten friends attend there. So, she was reassured we wouldn't lose touch with her important friends.
Financially I am planning on getting us out of all credit card debt this year. The plan is to only have a car payment and house payment. Therefore, I want to get rid of the home equity payment as well. This can be accomplished a bit easier without a tuition for private education.
Yes, we are seriously considering going the route of public school. There will never be a place as magical as Dearborn Christian, but the truth is that is okay.
We have had our home cleaned once, last Monday in fact. It looked amazing, and I know that this change will make a huge difference in how I view our home and those in it. What a stress relief!
Faith and Love Lisa LifeUnity |
Faith Life
As I mentioned above, we are attending a new church that our Ladybugs absolutely love. I am at the point in my faith journey that I want to worship at a place with dynamic people who nurture my spirit and challenge me to think differently. It has also been very comforting we can simply worship and fellowship and not be approached again and again to do something or to hear the latest tale about the pastor or a difficult member. Jim and I were invited to attend a small group that meets on the 1st Friday of the month. We are going to attend, because it felt like the right decision to make. There is no homework in this group, and I really like some of the group members already, so that really makes it sound fabulous.
The Piano Teacher Wet Cavas |
Work Life
My last blog described my plans for the future. If all works out well, I will not be teaching private lessons this summer (June thru August), and take the time to enrich the Ladybugs' vacation. We are members at Greenfield Village, Cranbrook and the Detroit Zoo. So many things to see and learn, we won't be bored. I also plan on condensing my student load - the hope is to keep those students who want to learn and practice and let go those who are not truly interested in learning.
I will also be open to other music opportunities, as I have many abilities and skills to do a variety of work.
Garden Celebration Suzeee |
Blog Life
I have decided to make my blog writing a bit more cohesive and I have also been referring to myself as MamaBug, a take on the Ladybug idea I started years ago. Therefore I spent a little time creating a new header for the blog and making a few changes to my social networking connections. This will afford me the ability to streamline my writing and communications with my readers.
So here's to a reboot. The year of the short bangs. The year our family takes an adventure in education. The year we take a trip outside of Michigan/Ohio (maybe). The year we get out of debt. The year we move into the next family chapter. Hello MamaBug!
You are such an inspiration. I'm glad you got a re-boot. It seems this is a season of change for all of us. Also I am so happy you are going to the new church - it brightens my Sunday to see all of you. Hope your head feels better soon.
I had no idea about the school. That makes me sad. But I am glad you guys found a church and that the girls sound like they'll be OK with the ultimate outcome. Besides they have you and Jim. Amazing parents to help them transition.
I miss you. I miss talking with you. Love to the Ladybugs, Jim and always YOU.
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