Today I visited the urogynocologist to discuss the results of my initial visit, the urodynamics test from last week, the results of the journals performed and to have one final procedure: the cyscostomy. This time my mother came along, as a rock and to drive me home in case things were as bad as the last time (I had a difficult time focusing on the road because of the lingering pain).
Anyway, I was taken to an examination room. Then my favorite nurse, Rachel, came in and discussed all my results. She then described the two options: pelvic floor therapy and urethral sling surgery. I listened to both options, and decided to choose the pelvic floor therapy for 6 weeks.
What Is Pelvic Floor Therapy Anyway?
I received comprehensive documentation on the procedure, so I will write below what the sheet says:
"For a brief period, a small sensor is placed in the rectal opening and you will be asked to tighten the rectal muscle as if you were holding back gas. The reason for these instructions is all the pelvic floor muscles attach into the rectum. It is easier to contract the larger muscle of the rectum which automatically tightens the rest of the muscles, therefore controlling the bladder leakage, urinary frequency, bowel or gas leakage.So basically I will pay to be probed vaginally and anally each week. To some I suppose this sounds a bit erotic, to me I am not looking forward to the visits. Even though the information says the therapy is painless, I will let you know how I fair.
The sensor, like a tampon, is placed in the vagina and electrical stimulation is done. This is not uncomfortable. You will feel a tapping, tugging sensation. This is the same time of therapy used for other muscles in the body to help them get stronger, faster. Electrical stimulation cannot be done if you have a metal IUD or cardiac pacemaker."
What Happened to the Cyscostomy?
The doctor came in, looked at the results, and decided that the camera (i.e. cyscostomy) would not tell him anything more than the information he already viewed. He canceled the procedure. WOOT! He told me that hopefully the pelvic floor therapy would work well, but that he has a very high success rate with the surgery so that I should be open to that if the therapy doesn't give positive results.
Hopefully the therapy will work, and I will not have to go through surgery to see success. However, regardless, I will keep my readers informed.
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