A couple short weeks ago, I turned 40. Just typing this completely shakes me to the core. When I was younger, much younger, I wanted to be older. I was 12 and three quarters, almost 18, almost 21, almost 23...Many women seem to be upset to turn 30. I know some who are forever 29. However, four days before my 30th birthday I became a mother for the first time. Thirty came and went and I didn't feel old. Maybe I was tired, due to the lack of sleep. But the truth is I felt empowered and thus my thirties were defined by motherhood.
However, this number 40 is an ugly reminder that I am aging. I will no longer have a first home, first new car, first pregnancy, first trip to Europe. No, now I can look forward to my first mammogram, my first pair of bifocals (which I should have had already), my first pair of gel shoe inserts...
So I decided that this year I will create a small bucket list of firsts that are welcomed. I have decided to call this project:
I do hope this list is not only a way for me to stay focused on the positive, but maybe I'll also inspire others to do the same.
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