A Beautiful Mess
Three years ago, almost to the date, I wrote a blog post that started our homeschool journey. At the time I did not realize this was the case. However, after three years I have a few thoughts on where I was at the time and where I am now.
Here is a link to the original post: The Blog That Started It All
In the last three years we have been on a journey that I never could have seen at the time I wrote the post. Within a week I was berated and bullied by the school's principal. The teacher who wrote me the email about my Zoebug and her bullies retraced the statement. In fact, she said she never even wrote those words, which was insane since I had the original email. I was told to take the blog down and to do a formal apology to all those involved. I removed the blog post, but only because I was not prepared to fight. I never once apologized for my reaction, nor did I feel it was necessary. I was confused and I was ashamed that I let my situation get out of control like that. I probably shouldn't have been so honest, at least not until my family left the school.
The moment I brought my girls home for Easter break and sent my resignation email to the principal was such a freeing moment. One I will never forget. I made the blog post live again, and felt a huge weight off my shoulders. Of course minutes after I sent the resignation I was inundated with annoying emails. However, the emails only reassured my decision. I was, not so politely, told that I would have a ruined reputation if I left the school. That I would lose my ability to teach in my neighborhood, due to the tainted reputation. Three years later, and I am still a successful educator with more private students than I had when we left. So much for that tainted reputation.
I reread the blog post moments ago, and was transported back to the entire situation. Hindsight, they say, is 20/20. I can tell you that my entire tenure at this school was a cluster of fucks. Between working hours that I didn't agree upon, to feeling like an outsider at teacher lunches...it is amazing that I didn't uncover the lies and deceit beforehand.
One thing I have noticed is that each day brings its own mess. We are constantly making adjustments and learning from our mistakes. Lives are messy, but I wouldn't trade our lives for any other.
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