seeing the face of Christ
Ever so often there is a bizarre tale of finding the face of Christ or his mother, Mary, in a potato chip or in smoke or in a piece of toast. The hope of finding a sign that God is "for real" seems to be the desire in many. I think many forget that Christ is in all of us. But do we see the face of Christ in others?
The author writes of her wonderful hospitality from the Benedictines in Mont Marie, France. One of Saint Benedict's mandates says, "Recieve all guests as Christ." And I wonder, do I treat others as I would Christ?
I am proud that I have always had an open mind and heart to accept others into my life and my home. I am probably not the average person, as I trust people until they prove my trust is misgiven. Maybe that sounds naieve, but it is something I've always done. I am very open to people from different backgrounds (race, religion, gender orientation, etc.). I am someone that doesn't judge a person by who they are, but how they treat others and me.
I know there are those that don't understand why I would study the Bible with a Jehovah's Witness, and I suppose a close-minded person would wonder that. I've even been asked, "are you trying to convert her?" I find that amusing, because I am not getting converted; that isn't Bonnie's desire. She doesn't have a "number" of people she needs to convert or something like that. She simply knows in her heart that she must spread the Word to others. I think it's wonderful to have such belief and want to share it with others. And what would I convert Bonnie to? I'm not exactly certain I could even if I wanted.
Which brings my back to my earlier question: do I see the face of Christ in others?
I must admit that it is a very difficult task - especially with so many undesireable and wicked characters in this world. Could I ever see Christ in them? Will I even try?
Today's Scripture
Psalms 119:19-20 (NIV)
I am a stranger on earth;
do not hide your commands from me.
My soul is consumed with longing
for your laws at all times.
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