Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day #9: 29 Gifts

I am rather enjoying this giving of gifts; this overwhelming desire to strive for JOY.

On day #7 I decided it was time to return to exercising.  Of course I was going to return to my favorite exercise spot: Elements of Exercise.  However, I slept in until 7am rather than waking at 5:40am and doing the RIPPED class I've done at 6am in the past.  I decided to spend quality waking time with my ladybugs giggling and sharing stories of dreams underneath the warm blankets of my bed.  Just taking those 15 minutes seemed to really start our days off perfectly.  I dropped the ladybugs off at school and drove over to EOE and took a Pilates/Yoga class. This was a true gift for me; a bit selfish, I know.  However, it seemed like my week would not get off to a better start than time with my ladybugs and a class that healed my entire body and soul.

I also had a very special gift given to me on Monday.  I won a contest on the 29 Days website.  I have never won anything before, so this was truly a wonderful gift.  I cannot wait to get the pendant in the mail!

Day #8 I decided to send a package to a church member who has made a decision to no longer attend our church.  She is worn out from hoping things would change, and believe me...I do not blame her.  However, I definitely wanted to send her our Christmas card fronts, because she is collecting them for missionary work.  I placed the fronts in a large envelope, wrote her a card, and added a 29 Gift tag with a lovely bow.  I want her to know she is a gift - no matter what happens with her relationship at the church.

Today is Day #9.  My niece is on the spectrum and she is currently not going to a traditional school.  I cannot completely tell you, reader, if my sister is homeschooling or if there is another arrangement.  However, Emma is home during the day and on Wednesdays, when my sister works at her massage therapy business, my mom and dad babysit.  Emma was severely teased at school - bullied by many of the kids.  She wanted to talk to me about how I was bullied at her age.  I wasn't special needs, but I definitely was bullied by a group of girls.

A week or so ago, I told Emma that one Wednesday (when my kids are in school and not demanding of my attention) we could have a tea party and talk about whatever she wished.  So today was that day!  I guess she didn't want to waste ANY time!  My mom dropped her off at 1pm, and at 2pm when she returned I didn't want the good time to end.  Emma and I are very similar in how we view the world, and if felt so good to listen and give advice to someone who is experiencing what I went through.

I even learned about a musical instrument called the Sackbut (sack butt!).  I thought Emma was joking, since I pretty much know many instrument"s names (even ones from Mexico, China, etc.).  Low and behold I Google search it - and there it is this lovely brass instrument that looks like a trombone!  We both had such a great laugh!  I will never forget the sackbut from this point forward!

I am looking forward to day 10 and forward on this journey.

1 comment:

Fairy Tale Mama said...

This post made me smile...