Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We are merely Moving Shadows

Earlier this morning, I posted my 12 Days of Christmas status message on Facebook.  In case you were wondering, reader, today is the 11th Day of Christmas.  My status had a few responses, and so I answered with the following statement:

:) Our society has become so fast-paced that people forget that Christmas begins with the 25th. The season does not end that day. Yes, stores take 50% off of the merchandise and put up Easter decor, but holiday traditions in our ancestors did not end on Christmas morning. It is kind of my way of reminding all my friends - especially those who took down their trees on Christmas evening (or right thereafter). We could learn a lot from the past.

I believe we are far from living in the moment.  I have made a promise to myself this new year: live with JOY and THANKSGIVING in my heart.  Do what brings JOY to my heart and to others.  And, most important of all: DO NOT OVERWHELM LIFE WITH STUFF!

I did something yesterday I could not believe: I said NO.  Yes, reader, I said NO!  I wasn't nasty, but I was honest with the person asking me to chair up an event at the ladybug's school.  I could have probably figured out how to fit it into my already booked schedule. However, if my first job is: WIFE and my second job is: MOTHER, I need to live my days accordingly.

I am a TEACHER third, and that is an area I want to spent less time focusing on in the new year.  I tend to get worked up with students, and parents who do not read emails, and issues that are not in my control.  So this year I am going to try and make the business side of teaching very simple.  I had to write quite a long email yesterday to parents (some cannot open PDF attachments so I have to do all text) regarding my business practices with tuition and missed lessons.  People do not read directions...they simply sign documents (I have a document that is signed every fall) and move to the next thing.

I commented to my mom yesterday that I am probably the only parent in Zoe's class that still has the class daily schedule (a red letter that came out the first week of school).

People simply move like shadows...busy busy busy...never really living, just existing.

"We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing" Psalm 39:6

I could not help but be moved by this ancient text.  Have we always been moving so fast that we are missing true JOY?

I am currently reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and she makes a statement that truly makes one think:

"They say time is money, but that's not true.  Time is life.  And if I want the fullest life, I need to find fullest time."

Do you have JOY?

1 comment:

Fairy Tale Mama said...

Well said! Yesterday was a roller coaster day for me, but a good one. Joy is what it's all about, sister! :-)