"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.To him be glory both now and forever! Amen." II Peter 3:18
The above scripture is our school's Bible verse for this academic year. With the first part: "Grow in Grace and Knowledge" being the most important part. For to really grow as a Christian, we must grow in both grace and knowledge.
Amazing Grace
Grace, which is mentioned in the Bible some 170 times, is being given something that we do not deserve. God gives us this grace, or blessing, each and every day. It is by His grace that we are saved from our sinful selves. This is His gift to us even though we do not deserve it, and it is by this grace we are given eternal life. We are a weak people, but it is through His grace to which he makes us strong.
We can also remember Grace by this acronym:
I think Ephesians says illustrates the above best:
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—
and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9
Knowledge is Power
Knowledge, which is mentioned in the Bible approximately 172 times (depending on the version/translation), is the familiarity with something or someone. To have knowledge according to the Bible, one has the truth and knows why he/she has this conviction. To be a Christian, we must be informed of our reasons we have chosen that faith and the truths which present themselves through the words and ministering of Jesus Christ. God wants us to know Him, to appreciate Him, and to have a relationship with Him. If we truly seek Him, God will grant us the insight to strive for knowledge. And this knowledge for a Christian is the relationship with Christ and the living God.
Why Must We Have Both?
Have you ever encountered a "know-it-all"? I have...many times. In fact, I have noticed that know-it-alls beget know-it-alls...and that makes me very sad. I think being a braggart is one of the ugliest personality characteristics. Yes, it is important to have knowledge. To know His truth. But bragging about what you know is not showing grace to the others around you. We need to know His truth and understand what He wishes us to know...but to act humble and with grace is equally as important.
However, one can be kind and treat others with grace and not have the knowledge God wishes us to know. Yes, we should be kind - BE KIND BE LIKE CHRIST - but without background in scripture and the truth in faith grace can be lost in the shuffle. No one attribute is enough in this case. We must have grace and knowledge to be the way God would have us. And I, for one, want to strive to this behavior.
As a teacher, which is different than parenting my Ladybugs, I must show grace and knowledge to my students this year. I must do my best to exhibit these traits and help them learn how to as well. I am in no way an expert, so I believe we will learn together. And I hope that makes God smile.
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