Lady Susana |
I have been extremely busy the last few weeks, as has been illustrated by my complete lack of blog posting. I have been spending my time working on curriculum, organizing and cleaning my teaching space, researching Christmas programs, determining my work/life schedule, helping children with homework, etc. But today, I decided it was time to update my readers on what has been going on in my neck of the woods (ahem...or my 1920s home).
The School Teacher Hat
I accepted the music position at the 11th hour - which basically means I had to bust my butt triple time to even be ready for the first day of school. The previous teacher was not organized nor did he leave a synopsis of what he taught the children during his tenure. After hours and hours of cleaning, I uncovered a ton of curriculum - quite good curriculum. However, as I expected most of the students are not even familiar with a quarter note, let alone the solfege hand signs. Which basically suggests that my predecessor did his "own" thing. And really at this point it doesn't matter.
I have downloaded the grade level curriculum for the state and hopefully by June the kids will have a better understanding of what they should know. Of course this is a tricky area, considering the 8th graders have the biggest gap to cover and they are the most resistant. But I have not lost faith.
I realize that music must has been a "blow off" in the past, but I sincerely believe in the power of music and that these children have been given a true gift with having music instruction twice a week.
If you are interested in reading my daily/weekly stuff for music teaching you can go to: Music Musings.
The Private Teacher Hat
I determined my schedule would not accommodate teaching on Friday afternoons/evenings/at all. I still have a little Evie home on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so it is pretty difficult to get everything done on those days. Evie is my most compliant child (currently), so I am able to sit here and type a blog while she colors, etc. But I currently continue to teach private lessons on Tuesdays, so it is a all I can do to get dinner ready in the crock pot and Zoe home from school before the crazy begins. Regardless, I am noticing that Mondays are really tough. I teach at the school all day and then I teach another 2 hours in the evening. I have toyed with the idea of teaching on Thursday evenings instead, but I look to Thursdays as my one FULL day without ANYTHING to I clean the house.
I am also toying with the idea of NOT doing a fall recital. I have been doing 2 recitals for over 10 years now, and I feel quite obligated to my students and their families to continue with the way it has been. However, I also used to teach through the summer months and had students with prepared music for the fall recital. Since I no longer teach the summer through, I almost feel that 10 weeks is a lot of pressure to perfect music - especially for my older/more advanced students. It also allows my new students time to feel comfortable for the spring recital.
I am leaning towards NOT doing the fall recital. I just need to feel justified. I know...take the leap. But I still have that stupid guilt.
The Mommy Hat
The school year is in full swing. Evie has a wonderful teacher who has been at the school for a long time. I have not one concern with her - I truly love her hands on teaching style. I am waiting (with baited breath) for my Van Gogh Eva to add to the wall with the Van Gogh Zoe. The Kindergarten teacher is also the art teacher, so her kids learn different artists and then reproduce their own versions of famous works. Just awesome.
Zoe started the school year crying. Her teacher from last year resigned 3 weeks before the school year started. I promised Zoe that her teacher would be great, and we cannot be happier. Zoe quickly lost the tears, and loves her teacher. I really love her teacher too. She is not the same teacher as the one who resigned, but in many ways I like her teaching style better. The kids are working with their entire bodies to learn and I find that awesome! Learning is more than facts and regurgitating answers, it is understanding and being able to retain the information well after a test or quiz.
Both girls are in baton, and Zoe is in her 5th year of ballet. I am very unstressed with their after school choices, considering I don't have to drive back and forth multiple times a week. One location. One night. One hour. Perfect.
The Wife Hat
I am excited for this weekend. Why? Because Jim and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage on Friday! We have been through so much, and I think back to 2 years ago and how things have changed dramatically since. I am really looking forward to the time alone to connect alone.
So this is what I have been up to the last few weeks. I look forward to getting back to a more often blog in the future.
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