Friday, February 8, 2013

More Thoughts on Schools

If you are interested in viewing other blogs about this topic, please click here: School Stuff.

Another Snow Day
Yes, today we "celebrated" our second snow day of the school year.  However, this time I was not jumping for joy.  Why?  Because the snow day prevented me from having the school tour and principal interview at our local elementary school.  I tend to be a person who is open to signs from above.  Could this have been a sign that the school is not going to work for us?

Jim and I have made a couple of decisions regarding school.  We have placed Homeschooling by a Professional as our #1 choice, followed by public school (either our neighborhood school or our school of choice).  Our #1 choice does prove to be a questionable one, because in order for the program to take off there needs to have approximately 8 students.  I have been praying that other like-minded families come to the same conclusion as we have for our Ladybugs.

Homeschooling will allow my girls to continue to be a part of a small classroom of children, Christ-focused, and free to be themselves.  Both our girls are very unique, and these unique characteristics have been fostered at there current school.  Yesterday Zoe wore a 30 year old dress that was based on the style of Little House on the Prairie.  No one found this to be different or weird, in fact a few thought it to be cool.

Waiting Game
So I suppose the fall is a waiting game.  I was hoping to walk into our neighborhood school today and breathe a sigh of relief.  I wanted to feel okay with it as a second option.  Apparently I will have to wait until later this month.  And for those of you who know me, this is definitely a lesson in patience.

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