Saturday, February 16, 2013

Assessment of School "N"

Just in case you read this and have the urge to kidnap our children, I have decided to call our neighborhood school "N" for "neighborhood".

On Valentine's Day we went for a tour of our neighborhood public school.  I was glad the Ladybugs could come along, especially Zoe.  She had been a victim of teasing last week multiple times, due to her response of where she was going to school in the fall.  We were already heartbroken over loosing our school home of the last four years, but my soul was crushed when I read the email from her teacher.  I am completely confident Zoe's teacher did her best to redirect the conversation when it centered around the topic of schools.  However, Zoe came home very hurt and expressed her concern that her classroom friends did not accept she would be attending a different school than many.  Actually ALL the children in her classroom (besides one other) said they were going to attend a certain Lutheran school together, even though a few families have yet to make up their minds.  The students suggested Zoe come home and tell us we needed to send her to their school, because if she didn't come the friendships would all be messed up.

I let Zoe spend Thursday at home.  She had a canine pulled at the dentist on Wednesday evening, as directed by her orthodontist, and a treatment by a dermatologist for a skin condition.  Between the two procedures and the level of teasing on Wednesday, I decided Thursday was a good day to just be together.  So Evie, Zoe and I decorated heart cookies and had tea with their cousin, Emma.  Then we picked up Jim and all went down the street to our neighborhood school.

School "N" was pretty much a small public elementary school.  I say this, because it reminds me A LOT of my elementary school - just on a smaller scale.  The principal was enthusiastic and extremely welcoming.  She gave us a brief overall of the curriculum and then took us on a tour of the school.

My personal favorite part was the fact the art room had its own kiln.  This means pottery lessons for the kids!  So exciting!  The school is a small elementary, with one class per grade in most cases.  This was reassuring, as our girls are not familiar with large classes of children nor a large school.  We met many of the teaching staff on our tour, and they were all young and seemed very friendly.  The computer lab is getting all new computers in the next couple months and the rooms are all equipped with Promethean Boards.

Zoe seemed to be engaged in the tour, and was happy with the choice when we were done.  She especially loved the idea of hot lunch EVERY day.  The principal assured us the school is a small community of close families and students.  When she found out Zoe and Eva missed their Valentine's parties, she had them come into her office and filled their arms with goodies to share.  It was completely unexpected, but also completely warm. She is Christian, gave up candy for Lent, and was happy to give the candy to the girls.  Jim and I walked away knowing it was a solid choice for our girls to attend.  As the school's leader, the principal definitely put forward her kind and caring spirit.  It was definitely a bonus in the long run.

I know our girls will miss the friendships they have made at their current school, and the relationships with the staff and families involved with running our school.  I also know they love to sing at chapel every Monday morning, learn about Jesus, and pray for their loved ones during class time each day.  Going to a public school does not allow for these special things they have come to love.  However, we have begun a daily Bible study this Lent, which has us discussing the footsteps of Jesus to the cross.  If we decide to send our girls to school "N", I would like to have a daily Bible study at the home for them to look forward each day.  

So here is the assessment results:


Free (already paid in city taxes)
Within Walking distance (literally a block away)
Technology is Current and Taught
Focus on the Arts (kiln located in classroom)
Very kind and Welcoming Principal
Small Building/Small Enrollment
Community of Families

Larger Class Sizes (average around 23 per class/grade)

1 comment:

Jahna said...

For what it's worth.. if it's the school I think it is. It's pretty good. Or was 20+ years ago.

Please keep me posted. You're all in my prayers.

Love you!