The Genesis of My Faith
The Exodus of My Faith
The Lamentations of My Faith
The Numbers of My Faith
The Psalms and Songs of My Faith
So have I ever had an "aha" moment? Yes. But it was simply singing in church as a young child. Nothing like being on an actual mountaintop, but powerful just the same. I also know He works in my life. Each time I tried to give up this gift of music, He intervened. I struggled with the idea of becoming a teacher like my parents - if nothing else, just to be defiant. However, each time I stepped away, He pulled me back. Six years ago I finally threw up my hands and said - "Use me Lord!" And you know what, reader? Ever since then my teaching abilities have flourished and I have no desire to pursue another career.
With all that I have shared, you must be wondering what do I believe? So in this blog I will conclude with where I am currently on this journey of mine. I will be honest, reader, I am in no way, shape or form completed with this journey. And in all truthfulness - that is very exciting to me! I love to learn and to grow, and as long as I am alive I plan on doing just that.
I believe we are all connected spiritually. All people: no matter where one's faith lies, where one lives, what color one is, what political party best suits one, what one does for a living, what one's bank book looks like, or what one's sexual preference is. ALL OF US. When I was anxious about what to do with schooling for Zoe a few years ago, a very wise woman told me, "You need to do what is best for you and for your family. No one can tell you what is best for your family. Only you know that." This phrase has stuck with me ever since. I believe that we will are all on journeys and that we all have lessons to learn on this Earth. However, my journey is not your journey. So even if you know the answer, I may need to take many more stumbles and falls before I get there.
I have become quite confident that I am a Christian. I no longer doubt that. I believe in the principles of Jesus, and his desire for us to live more humbly, more loving, and more kind. As Zoe reminds me almost everyday - "BE KIND BE LIKE CHRIST!"
As some of you know, I also have studied with a Jehovah Witness (Bonnie) to see what kind of religion they have. I always wondered - you know the kookie people who come to your door and state "the end it near"! And I went from believing they were a cult to really respecting their commitment to living a life based on the Bible (or at least their interpretations of it). Bonnie gave me a great gift, even if she is not able to still be my friend: she taught me that what is unknown is simply unknown not evil or wrong.
I am open to knew ideas, to the possibilities of creating new paths on this spiritual journey. I am grateful that I have wonderful readers to share this with, and I appreciate the fact that I'm not just experiencing this alone.
Thank you all for listening and your loving and kind words of wisdom along the way!