Monday, June 18, 2012

My Favorite Witch

Witch Hazel
With all the pricey face products on the market, I was curious what most contained.  Today I will focus on toners, sometimes called: cleansers.

I spent countless hours reading the ingredients of the popular toners on the market.  I knew there would be many with names that I could not pronounce, but I was surprised that some even contain acid!  When I have used toners in the past, I have been pretty unimpressed with the additional services they provide.  I used to be of the mindset: what ever happened to good 'ol soap and water with a washcloth?

I have come leaps and bounds from using soap and a washcloth, but I still wonder what makes expensive products better than Dove bar soap.  Upon research, I was disgusted with what goes into a toning product.  Did you know some of the big brand name companies put coloring in their products?  Yeah, who doesn't need a little Blue #1 and some Red #33 or maybe a bit of Yellow #5? Ugh. Gross.

My research changed, and I began searching for something that would remove the excess dirt and grime, but not leave my face completely crusty and dry.  I was always impressed with the amount of dirt alcohol pulled off my skin - even after washing.  However, it was too harsh and most often caused my skin to get very dry.  Of course I never thought the wintergreen version of rubbing alcohol was a smart choice in a household with children. I also wanted a product that was inexpensive AND without ingredients that were impossible to pronounce.

So I decided to purchase a bottle of witch hazel.  You would think I was looking for uranium when I asked the store clerk at Kroger for a bottle.  She said, "I guess it would be by the rubbing alcohol.  But I don't think we have any."  I also had to search behind a few bottles of alcohol to finally find the witch hazel bottle at CVS.  You'd think I was looking for something gone the way of the dinosaurs.  And then I thought, well maybe people like buying astringents with food coloring and ingredients they cannot pronounce - just because the bottle is pretty and/or because it is from a company with great marketing.

So now, each evening I use witch hazel to clean the dirt from my pores, and I am very happy with its astringent characteristics.  I apply it with cotton balls to my dirty face, rather than washing with soap and water.  I apply it again to tighten my skin.  Of course I always moisturize afterward.

But I definitely feel that for a small price: $4.69 for a 16oz bottle, one cannot beat witch hazel for its benefits as a toner.  It is definitely Stuff That Really Works.


Jahna said...

OK so I'll try some witch hazel. I think we actually have some here. Question.. does it help acne? I have a very oily patch along my chin line and below my lower lip. I don't moisturize because lotion and even foundation causes tons of pimples within hours. I'm glad you found something that works so well for you!

Jahna said...

OK so I'll try some witch hazel. I think we actually have some here. Question.. does it help acne? I have a very oily patch along my chin line and below my lower lip. I don't moisturize because lotion and even foundation causes tons of pimples within hours. I'm glad you found something that works so well for you!

find my blog said...

Yes, it does help acne. However, you need to moisturize skin (even skin that is broken out). Make sure the moisturizer is noncomedogenic.