The Genesis of My Faith
The Exodus of My Faith
The Lamentations of My Faith
The Numbers of My Faith
When Zoe was born, my world changed. When Zoe was born, my world turned upside down. It took about 6 months before Jim and I even thought about looking for a church. After all, I didn't want to be Lutheran (nor did he) and he didn't want to be Catholic (nor did I...). We determined that we needed to find a church with a traditional service, since that was most comfortable. No worship bands, no power point productions, no coffee house in the lobby, no massive congregation that gave us a number instead of a name.
We decided to try a Congregational church because it was modern (women could minister) but traditional in the service (hymns and familiarity). The church was a small church, 3 children, lots of acceptance and close to home. There was an excitement that I thought was infectious. I loved the way the older congregational members were so thrilled to get younger families. We felt right at home, and became members when Zoe was about a year old. When Evie was born we had both girls baptized at this church, because we thought this would be our "forever" church. Within just a little time, 12 children were part of Sunday School or newborn babies.
At the time, our church paid for a Sunday School teacher, because frankly it was nice to be able to send your child to Sunday School and enjoy church. Yes, this particular Sunday School program met at the same time as the adults worshiped. This seemed so lovely as a parent. I would send Zoe off and let my baby Evie sleep away during the service.
And then, the Sunday School teacher quit with no notice.
At the time, our church paid for a Sunday School teacher, because frankly it was nice to be able to send your child to Sunday School and enjoy church. Yes, this particular Sunday School program met at the same time as the adults worshiped. This seemed so lovely as a parent. I would send Zoe off and let my baby Evie sleep away during the service.
And then, the Sunday School teacher quit with no notice.
Then a few months later, for VERY good reasons, the pastor was fired. We were now a church without a pastor and a Sunday School program. This was so upsetting for me. There were approximately 12 children attending before the pastor left, and only 6 children attending after the pastor left. Two of those children were mine. My ladybugs were getting older, and I started questioning if the church was still right for us. Jim and I decided, yes.
So a group of 5 ladies (myself included) took over Sunday School responsibilities. We split the schedule into 5 week rotations and it seemed to work effectively for us. However, a few months later, one of the families left and there were only 4 children. I was voted in as the Sunday School Director, and spent countless hours (most likely 40+) working on the Sunday School and Nursery room. I organized the supplies, cleaned, and removed items that were no longer needed. Time passed and and 3 more children joined. If you are following, that is 7 children in the Sunday School program.
And those are not the only numbers that were altered. Our friend was the treasurer, and he told us that the church had approximately 8 years left financially (this was in 2007). That is, unless a miracle happened. And so far it has not. More people left the church: some passed away, others left for a better place to worship. The truth is, I still really loved it there...even though my children were 2 of 6 children at the church.
Time passed, we got an interim pastor and I transferred my "power" onto another mom. Currently we have 6 children in the program and only 3 teachers. All 3 of the Sunday School teachers are moms and have 2 children each. It has become quite cumbersome teaching every 3 weeks, but no one else wants to take on that task. After all, we have a one room Sunday School program to meet needs of children 4 thru 12. HUGE difference in interest and capabilities. However, how else should we teach? Make three classes? No. I cannot even begin to imagine this. Plus the average age of the congregation is 80. Can you imagine an 80 year old teaching? Neither can I.
A couple years ago my mother, father and grandfather joined the church. At the time they joined, Jim and I were very VERY active members. And I was very proud to share the church. My mother joined the Dioconate, and my father and grandfather serve as ushers and greeters quite often. They quickly became active members as well, and I could say that I served the church by being the saying: Each One Reach One.
Our commitment this passed year has faltered. I no longer look forward to going to church, and have to do everything possible to motivate myself to attend. The hymns are okay 50% of the time, but quite often there is one that is just horrible. And the sermon is just poor quality. Pretty much there are great points in the sermon, but I can only compare it to eating a meal of pancakes, potato salad and hamburgers. All are great, but the three do not make a cohesive meal.
A few years ago, I started a book club and created a woman's circle called - The Eve Circle. When I could no longer come on Monday evenings because I taught, nobody wanted to change these monthly events to a different night. I was basically pushed out of the book club, because now another member does most of the book choosing - rather than adhering to my list of who chooses next. I attended the last book club, because it is summer and I'm not teaching lessons on Monday evenings. The meeting was no longer enjoyable. I felt like an outsider. My family also took a month off from attending church (we did attend a different church one of those Sundays), and when I was in church on Sunday I also felt like outsider.
The truth is, a church is a lot like a family: people hurt your feelings, people take advantage of you, people love you, and people praise your talents. But unlike a family, a church is not blood and it is not something you have to stay involved in if your spiritual needs are not being met. I could never imagine shunning my parents, nor my sister. Maybe that is just me. Dunno. You cannot choose your family, but even my mother is disgusted that I am talking about finding another church.
As the girls get older, their needs continue to change. I don't mind teaching here and there or teaching before or after worship. However, I think it is very important to teach them about what happens during worship, rather than parade them out like cattle to do a craft. That can work for a preschooler, but a 7 year old should be able to participate in worship and be able to enjoy and learn what being a part of a congregation is all about.
Sure, both girls go to a Christian school, so they get daily reminders of Christian values and the teachings of Jesus. At some point, I want the girls to get more than a craft from Sunday School - but for now I am giving my current church a lukewarm effort. I am hoping to spend some time working in the Sunday School rooms and nursery this week, as they are very neglected by others. Is this my role at the church now? The cleaning person?
So a group of 5 ladies (myself included) took over Sunday School responsibilities. We split the schedule into 5 week rotations and it seemed to work effectively for us. However, a few months later, one of the families left and there were only 4 children. I was voted in as the Sunday School Director, and spent countless hours (most likely 40+) working on the Sunday School and Nursery room. I organized the supplies, cleaned, and removed items that were no longer needed. Time passed and and 3 more children joined. If you are following, that is 7 children in the Sunday School program.
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numbers...and more numbers...and, well, you get it |
And those are not the only numbers that were altered. Our friend was the treasurer, and he told us that the church had approximately 8 years left financially (this was in 2007). That is, unless a miracle happened. And so far it has not. More people left the church: some passed away, others left for a better place to worship. The truth is, I still really loved it there...even though my children were 2 of 6 children at the church.
Time passed, we got an interim pastor and I transferred my "power" onto another mom. Currently we have 6 children in the program and only 3 teachers. All 3 of the Sunday School teachers are moms and have 2 children each. It has become quite cumbersome teaching every 3 weeks, but no one else wants to take on that task. After all, we have a one room Sunday School program to meet needs of children 4 thru 12. HUGE difference in interest and capabilities. However, how else should we teach? Make three classes? No. I cannot even begin to imagine this. Plus the average age of the congregation is 80. Can you imagine an 80 year old teaching? Neither can I.
A couple years ago my mother, father and grandfather joined the church. At the time they joined, Jim and I were very VERY active members. And I was very proud to share the church. My mother joined the Dioconate, and my father and grandfather serve as ushers and greeters quite often. They quickly became active members as well, and I could say that I served the church by being the saying: Each One Reach One.
Our commitment this passed year has faltered. I no longer look forward to going to church, and have to do everything possible to motivate myself to attend. The hymns are okay 50% of the time, but quite often there is one that is just horrible. And the sermon is just poor quality. Pretty much there are great points in the sermon, but I can only compare it to eating a meal of pancakes, potato salad and hamburgers. All are great, but the three do not make a cohesive meal.
A few years ago, I started a book club and created a woman's circle called - The Eve Circle. When I could no longer come on Monday evenings because I taught, nobody wanted to change these monthly events to a different night. I was basically pushed out of the book club, because now another member does most of the book choosing - rather than adhering to my list of who chooses next. I attended the last book club, because it is summer and I'm not teaching lessons on Monday evenings. The meeting was no longer enjoyable. I felt like an outsider. My family also took a month off from attending church (we did attend a different church one of those Sundays), and when I was in church on Sunday I also felt like outsider.
The truth is, a church is a lot like a family: people hurt your feelings, people take advantage of you, people love you, and people praise your talents. But unlike a family, a church is not blood and it is not something you have to stay involved in if your spiritual needs are not being met. I could never imagine shunning my parents, nor my sister. Maybe that is just me. Dunno. You cannot choose your family, but even my mother is disgusted that I am talking about finding another church.
As the girls get older, their needs continue to change. I don't mind teaching here and there or teaching before or after worship. However, I think it is very important to teach them about what happens during worship, rather than parade them out like cattle to do a craft. That can work for a preschooler, but a 7 year old should be able to participate in worship and be able to enjoy and learn what being a part of a congregation is all about.
Sure, both girls go to a Christian school, so they get daily reminders of Christian values and the teachings of Jesus. At some point, I want the girls to get more than a craft from Sunday School - but for now I am giving my current church a lukewarm effort. I am hoping to spend some time working in the Sunday School rooms and nursery this week, as they are very neglected by others. Is this my role at the church now? The cleaning person?
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