Thursday, June 7, 2012

Glitter Toes

This past week has been a complete Debbie-Downer - emotionally speaking that is.  I basically feel like every area in my life is at a stand-still or worse yet: sad.

I suppose, reader, this is where I go into detail of all the depressing stuff surrounding my life.  However, I'd rather just do bullet points.  I know, that seems formal; but I really want to share without super intricate details.

1) A job I took to make a little money this summer (accompanist on June 20th) took a seriously bizarre turn.  The music director was fired.  She thought I wanted her job.  I receive 1 -3 emails per day, to which I am copied to have the information.  When said music director realized I was in fact not interested in her job, she responded with: oh, the inquiry came from a Melissa Martin not Michelle Martin.  Nice.

2) After secretly desiring the music teacher job at the Ladybugs' school, the job came available.  Within 24 hours I was told the position would be shared, and thus I needed a teaching certification.

3) My weight loss has taken a nice plateau.  I know what I need to do: exercise.  I also know what I don't want to do: exercise.

4) My spiritual life seems a bit clouded.  I know what I believe, but I am having a lot of concern about continuing to worship where we've been for the last 7 years.  **this is a topic for another blog**

5) Professionally I feel inferior.  I lack a teaching certification.  I was accused of vying for another professional's job.  And one of my vocal students, which I have only been teaching a short time AND who had the part of Amaryllis in The Music Man (did I mention she is 9?), was told by her music teacher at school that I was not teaching her correctly.  I basically feel like throwing up my hands and saying, "God - am I not in the right profession?"

The best thing I could do - even though I am feeling very down - is to paint my toes with glitter polish.  I must say that glitter toes is a nice diversion from the rest of the craziness.  I am a survivor, and I know I will pull out of this funk.  Usually my funks last a day or two - but I am confident the emotions will turn around soon.  I hope, at least.

1 comment:

Homeschool Month by Month said...

Oh it is so stinky when life hands us lemons, but with out the test you can't have a testimony. You are a wonderful {and successful} teacher. As far as a certification, it is a piece of paper. I know plenty of certified teachers who couldn't teach themselves out of a paper bag. You have many successful students. You know why you do what you do and you have a passion. If you want that piece of paper, you can totally get it (it only takes about a year).

God is in control, He is good and He has a plan (to prosper you not to harm, to give you a hope and a future). You will bounce back and in the meanwhile glitter toes are nice.