Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the desire to be a moth

I was reading this really cool article today that talked about "man-made" verses "natural made".  It was in a Jehovah Witness publication, but the article featured a beautiful monarch butterfly.  Imagine having a brain the size of a ballpoint pen!

The other day my girls were watching "Miss Spider's Sunny Patch," and there was a butterfly that lost her sense of direction.  In the end it was just a simple case of losing confidence.  How many of us can relate to that?  Kids, jobs, life getting in the way.  Constantly having things cloud your vision to the Creator.  And I wonder, why are protagonists always butterflies?  What about the moth?  Isn't the moth ever a character in a story?!

Until recently, I thought that moths were dull-colorless butterflies.  In fact, the moth is really a cool insect.  According to Wikipedia, the butterfly are a small group that rose within the moth.  Moths make cocoons, but butterflies make chrysalis.  Which is funny, because one of my favorite books, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," ends with a caterpillar exiting a chrysalis and becoming "a beautiful butterfly."  Even Mr. Carle got it wrong - but the butterfly is such a lovely creature nobody would correct him.

However, the more I read about the moth, the more I really would rather be a moth than a butterfly.  Unfortunately, due to their nocturnal existence I will probably never see one in its beauty.  Even with the Christian reference to Jesus as the butterfly, I still would rather be a moth.

Maybe I should write a story about the lonely moth....hmmm....food for thought.

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