Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Room of 12

Yesterday I was sent an email forward that stated the following:

"I am supposed to pick 12 women who have touched my life and who I think might participate. I think that if this group of women were ever to be in a room together, there is nothing that would be impossible."

I had to really think about women that are strong, confident, and amazing.  I didn't include my children, even though I know they'll be amazing women.  So below are my 12:

Cheryl Brown 
Diane Martin

Dana Steward-Morris
Jill Baskin
Amanda Morris
Nancy Wolter
Diana Schilbe
Katherine Linton

Marie Goos Walter
Kelly Brown
Andrea DeAngelis
Jahna Berry


Andrea said...

Awwww...you are so sweet Michelle..I cannot believe you even considered me as one of the women! I love ya! I stopped by trying to catch up after being sick...what a nice surprise!

Katherine Nelson said...

Hi Michelle,

I just started reading your blog and feel very humbled to be included in your group of women. I think you forgot one women and that would be yourself, never doubt your own worth because you are an amazing person.

Miss you,