Monday, January 14, 2013

Making Order of Chaos

or How I Must Organize and Purge Before the Cleaning Person Begins

who looks this stinkin' happy to be cleaning?
Next Monday I have a cleaning person coming to my home, and I know this will be the start of a wonderful relationship.  However, the cleaning company does not do "maid" work (i.e. make beds, wash dishes, pick up stuff, etc.), so I have decided to spend time reorganizing and purging items in my home.  My hope is that less stuff will equal a better opportunity for the cleaning person to clean.

I never do anything halfway.  Never.  If I'm going to change the way things are around my home, you better bet the change will be noticeable.  And not just to me.

I have started to wonder how many other people clean before the cleaning person comes to clean.  I know I cannot be the only one.  And I found a couple of other bloggers who feel the same way:

Kelli Traber Talks

Money Minded Moms

So the question is: why have a cleaning service in the first place?  I, myself, feel there is a distinction between organizing, straitening up stuff, putting things away, and cleaning.  One is tiding up, the other is cleaning.  One does not need the use of water or soap or sponges, and the other clearly does.

So I will continue reorganizing and preparing my house for the cleaning person to come next Monday.  Why?  Because like many others I want my house to sparkle.

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