Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Number One - 40 @ 40

Flossing Before 40

Hi.  I'm Michelle and I HATE flossing.

This is no joke.  Every 6 months I goto the dentist to be told I need to floss more, and the sad part is I might floss a hand full of times between visits.  And usually this is due to the fact I have a piece of meat or popcorn stuck between teeth.  So actually I am not flossing my entire mouth, but just the problem spot. One would think that I simply need to buckle down and just floss.  However, I find the whole process gross and overall unproductive.  My teeth do not like string in them, and I have a visceral issue with the feeling of rubbing the string back and forth.  Many of my teeth do not lend themselves to traditional flossing because they are close together and I have dental work as well. Jim likes the flossers like these:

And I have tried to use them. I really have. But I break the string 99% of the time. I have super strong teeth I guess, or maybe I am incapable of learning the proper flossing technique. Point is: I hate flossing and it's not because I haven't tried to like it. But then we started seeing a new dentist and the hygienist feels the same way about flossing as I. We were kindred spirits. She told me as I age I have to be more cognizant of my oral health, but she had another idea.

The Water Flosser 
(angels sing in the background)

I have so much fun using this machine.  My teeth feel clean all the time, like they do after a professional cleaning. I kid you not.  And it takes almost no time to go through your entire mouth. Rather than feeling uncomfortable while flossing, the water actually massages my gums and makes for a pleasant overall experience.  A plus side to this machine is that my teeth are visibly whiter.  

So I have started a new habit at 40 - flossing my teeth.  I'm also having fun doing it!

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