Thursday, October 13, 2011

22lbs, 900 words, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

I did my weekly weigh in yesterday.  I have successfully lost over 22 pounds since August 1st.  Honestly, it may sound like a lot to some; those who are glass half-full kind of people.  I guess I must be a glass half-empty kind of gal, because I keep looking at the larger number I need to lose.

I haven't lost the fight though, because I have been told I look really good by random people who aren't super close to me.  I do see a difference in my body, which I noticed after I bought new bras last Monday.  I an no longer a D, but I don't really care if my chest measures a C now, because I know I am redefining my body into a more shapely being.  Of course without a trainer, I am stuck to my own motivation; which is not quite as motivating to be honest.  We cannot afford for me to go to more personal trainer sessions, so I simply continue with my four classes per week: RIPPED, Zumba, Aqua Zumba, and either Zumba Toning or RIPPED.

I am also writing a short story/article for a book that will be comprised of 300 Dearborn residents (or former residents).  The article from the Dearborn Press and Guide is here: DEARBORN TALES.

The parameters are: 900 words or less, about Dearborn, and submitted by the 20th of October.  Upon my first attempt I had well over 900 words!  I know I am verbose, but sheesh!  There was probably a point in my life (high school most likely) that when I was told to write a 500-word essay I freaked!  Apparently that isn't the case anymore.  So I have rewritten my article and I will look at it one more time tomorrow before I email it in.

I have to admit that if my story does get selected, I know what Christmas presents will be!  HAHAH!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Good job on the weight loss Michelle!!!