Thursday, October 6, 2011

What a scream...

Back in April I posted a blog regarding the new make-up line for young girls (Click Here), and I almost spit my coffee out when I saw the mail this afternoon.  The two girls on the cover of the current Toys To Grow On catalog, found above, were open mouthed (delighted I supposed) and over made up.  It was, well, hilarious and disturbing all at the same time.

Has this image of girls ALWAYS been present in my lifetime?  Am I just now noticing the ridiculous imagery of young girls because I am now a mom of two young ladybugs?

I just cannot get over the girl with the ridiculous amounts of makeup caked all over her beautiful little face.  Or maybe I'm just being a prude.  Dunno.

What I do know is this: I took the magazine, and recycled it prior to letting either child get a look at it.  What a sad representation of a little girl.


Fairy Tale Mama said...

I agree---very disturbing. I had to have a discussion with my dear daughter last weekend about how makeup is only for dance recitals or Halloween until she is a teenager. There are a TON of little girls at her school right now with either feathers or colored extensions in their hair. I find that downright weird! I do allow nail polish though...plenty of nail polish. :-)

find my blog said...

I really feel like I'm in the minority with this makeup/hair issue. Not necessarily at our school, due to its conservative nature, but rather in general. I remember wanting to have a perm in 3rd grade to look like Madonna. I also remember wearing makeup for dress-up at home. Never at school. Never when we left the house. But I have a Halloween, dance recital rule here, and I am sticking to it.