Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sorting Out Life - One Load at a Time

Recently I read a blog post (10 Habits of a Clean Home) that got me thinking - how often does the normal person wash clothing?  In the post, the writer suggests doing one load of dirty laundry a day to keep organized and efficient.  I decided to go to the masses, and ask my friends on Facebook what they thought.  The question was - How often do you do laundry? The four answers to choose from were:

1. every day
2. every few days
3. once a week - laundry day
4. when I run out of clean clothes
5. laundry?  A fairy does that, right?

And the verdict?

Cleaning is Very Personal!

Just like anything else in this world - how often one does laundry, or dishes, or mows the lawn is based on their personal needs and desires.  In fact, I have two children so my laundry is much more in volume then that of a single person's.  And if you have 7 children like my friend Rhonda, laundry is viewed much differently.  Rhonda comments:

"Laundry??? What is that? I have to do about 2-5 loads of laundry every day to keep up with clothing, linens and towels and blankets too."

However, even with children making loads of laundry actually accomplishing one load per day is an impossibility.  My friend Casey explains:

"Since I work full time, I only have time to do laundry on the weekends along with the rest of the house cleaning. If I have a day off during the week, I will through a couple of loads in to give me less to do on the weekend."

When I was a little girl, there was always a laundry day: Monday.  That was a day my mom did all the laundry in the house.  From clothing, to linens, to bedding - my mom laundered, folded and put away all the dirty laundry.  She also spent a day ironing my father's shirts and many other clothing items as well.  Even though the importance of ironing was not passed down to me, allocating a day for laundry did.

However, in lieu of the blog, I decided to try and do a load of laundry a day.  Of course that worked for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, but then today came (the normal day I do laundry) and I had 4 loads.  As I write this, my last load is in the washer.  However, the reality is that one-load-a-day can lower the amount of laundry that has to be done per week, but all in all it still is LAUNDRY.  Maybe the one-load-a-day method tricks you into thinking you are doing less, which is very possible with me.  However, I'm not entirely sure that my house is more efficient or organized adhering to the method.

I must say that I was happy no one voted for the last option (fairies doing the clothes).  Of course, I know some children (and husbands) who do not realize what a stay-at-home mom does during the day.  And there are many assumptions about the delineation of tasks in a home.  More women (even working women) tend to do the laundry then men.  Maybe the one-load per day method would encourage more delegation in families with older children?  Quite possibly I'll have to try this once the Ladybugs are older.

How often do you do laundry?

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