Saturday, August 22, 2009

pilgrimage - day #7

Upon this day 7 of the pilgrimage, I find humor (or humour) in the author's moment of devotion today.  She misspelled "others", as "othrs."  Yes, the ex-quality tester is still alive and well inside me - always looking for a way to escape. 

I find it amusing every time I stumble across a misspelling.  You'd think it wouldn't happen so often, but it does.  I've been known to write (email lately) the author (authors) to let them know of their mistake or inconsistency.

A few years back, I recieved a book about Dearborn for Christmas.  It is called, "Dearborn, Michigan Images of America."  I enjoyed it - as I love looking at old photographs of areas, especially those I've lived or visited.  However, there were two errors.  One was a wrong date, and the other was a misspelling.  I found one of the author's information on the Dearborn Historical Society website, and decided to write him an email.

Mr. Hutchison was very kind.  He knew about the date - an oversite that was found after publication by him.  However, the misspelling was not something he found.  He was appreciative in the response, but I wonder if he REALLY was thankful for the constructive critisism.

Today's reading was about stumbling along the path.  Wanting to lay down your staff and quit.

I have definitely felt that way - in fact, some of my hardest challenges have been those I've left before fruition.  I left a marriage before a year was done, I left a business  before the economy played out, and I have quit a job and not had one to move into.  All of these events were very difficult, and played a huge role in my life.  But in all cases I listened to my heart - that feeling inside that tells you what to do.  Instinct, sixth-sense, etc.

I think there is a point where you must lay down your staff and move down a different path.  Leaving someone or something behind can be traumatic; but I cannot imagine my life any different.

Today's scripture
Psalms 37:23-24 (NIV)
If the Lord delights in a man's way, 
he makes his steps firm; 
though he stummble, he will not fall, 
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

(The Message)
Stalwart walks in step with God; 
his path blazed by God, he's happy.
If he stumbles, he's not down for long; 
God has a grip on his hand.

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