Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Genesis Bible Study

Today began my Woman's Bible Study, called Coffee Hour.  This study takes place at Zoe's preschool, so it's very convenient for me.  Plus, they have free child care for Eva - how cool is that?!

The theme is, "Faithful God," which is based on Genesis 17:7, "I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and you descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you."  There are 2 parts to this study - 12 weeks each.  There will be special lunches and brunches throughout the school year.

I'm really excited about this, as I am anticipating the addition of many new friends.

This morning we discussed Genesis 1 - 2:3.  There were such awesome responses to the study questions.  I think the age difference in the attendees is fantastic, and it really helps to encourage a variety of discussions and questions/answers.

I think the one facet I took away from the meeting (besides meeting a great group of women) was the 7th day of creation.  Even God found balance after a week of work.  It should inspire us to make that time for harmony and balance in life.  God didn't HAVE to have a day off, but he did - and I think it is a model for humans to employ.  I will do my best to remember this when I feel overwhelmed or over-scheduled.

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