Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day #7 {31 Days to Clean}

Day #7 - The Curse (What We're Up Against)

The end of week one, and I am completely, unequivocally exhausted.  The daily Martha and Mary challenges have been truly physically, mentally, and emotionally difficult.  But I feel proud that I have completed the first week.

One of the interesting Mary elements of yesterday was a statement made by Sarah Mae:

"Because of Adam's sin (he is ultimately accountable for the fall, not Eve, because he was given responsibility for life and work in the garden before woman was created) our domains rebel against us as we have rebelled against God."

In all my years of Bible study, I have never heard (or read) the view that Adam, not Eve, was ultimately responsible for the fall.

Today is Mother's Day, so on Friday I did the Martha challenge scheduled for today (clean out and organize kitchen drawers).  However, I still need to consider the Mary challenge, and consider it I will.

I am so glad that I have decided to to this 31 day challenge, even with the exhaustion it has caused.  I am very proud how far I have come!

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mom's out there!  Love to you all!

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